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Health and Medicine

Resources on health, mental health, drugs and health care providers and services. Last Updated: May 31, 2024 9:40 AM

Health Care and Mental Health Care Providers and Facilities

Find a Health Care Provider or Facility

  • Care Compare
    Find and compare the quality of Medicare-approved facilities and providers in your area. Care Compare helps you locate doctors and other clinicians, hospitals, nursing homes, home health services, hospice care, inpatient rehab facilities, long-term care hospitals and dialysis facilities. From the U.S. Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services. Note: This site replaces Hospital Compare, Nursing Home Compare, and five other Medicare "Compare" websites.
  • DocInfo
    Search by name to find professional background information on nearly one million licensed doctors in the United States. Includes physician assistants. Provided by the Federation of State Medical Boards.
  • Find-a-Dentist
    Search by location and specialty or name to find a member dentist near you. From the American Dental Association.
    The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) collects information on thousands of state-licensed providers who specialize in treating substance use disorders, addiction and mental illness.
  • Health Departments and Licensing Boards
    These government websites help you verify whether physicians, dentists and other health care providers are licensed to practice. You may also check for disciplined providers or file a complaint.
  • Is My Doctor Board Certified?
    Verify a physician's board certification status or search for board-certified physicians by geographical area and specialty or sub-specialty. From the American Board of Medical Specialties.
  • Provider and Services Directories
    View directories that help you find doctors, dentists, mental health, and other health care professionals; hospitals, clinics and other health and mental health care facilities; and more. Provided by MedlinePlus.
  • Psychologist Locator
    Find a psychologist in your local area. Narrow your search by many factors, such as area of specialty, gender, insurance accepted, languages spoken and more. From by the American Psychological Association.
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