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Homework Resources

Resources to help you study, write reports, do homework and more. Last Updated: Mar 5, 2025 2:37 PM


Good Starting Points

You may also like Online Science Resources.

  • Exploratorium
    This museum in San Francisco offers fun online science activities for kids.
  • Science — How Stuff Works
    How does science work? This site offers understandable explanations for questions about life science, nature, physical science, engineering and more.
  • Jefferson Lab
    Students can learn about science on this site. Practice taking Virginia SOL science and math tests. Read science questions and answers. Watch Frostbite Theater science videos to see experiments with liquid nitrogen, static electricity and more. Play games and puzzles to help understand science topics.
  • Science News for Students
    This site is designed for students in grades 4-8. It offers shorter news stories and longer features on science topics.
  • Science Projects

    • Science Buddies
      Use the Topic Selection Wizard to help you select a science fair project based on your interests or browse more than 1000 project ideas in many areas of science. The Science Fair Project Guide offers information from getting started through communicating your results.
    • SciStarter
      Are you curious about science? Citizen Science can help you find a project or event. Get "hands-on" experience that can make a difference in our world.

Animals and Biology

  • Bug Guide
    An online resource devoted to North American insects, spiders and their kin, offering identification, images and information.
  • Crash Course Biology
    This course taught by Hank Green is based on the AP Biology curriculum and includes several sessions on introductory anatomy. For more in-depth information on anatomy, watch Green's Anatomy & Physiology Crash Course which is based on an introductory college-level curriculum.
  • Dinosaurs
    Learn all about dinosaurs from the Natural History Museum (UK).
  • Encyclopedia of Life
    This free online encyclopedia seeks to document all life on Earth. Learn about plants, animals, fungi and bacteria. Images, sounds and videos are available for some of the species.
  • Endangered Species
    • Endangered Species Program
      Learn about the plants and wildlife that are on the federal list of endangered and threatened species. You can search Species Search ( for a species and also make your own list using several categories. This information is provided by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service.
    • Wildlife Factsheets
      Defenders of Wildlife has factsheets on endangered species all over the world. Factsheets include a photo and information about the animal. They also mention threats & status, range & population and behavior & reproduction. Some factsheets include recent news and blog posts.


  • Biology of Plants
    Elementary school students can learn how plants grow and about the parts of a plant. This site also describes how plants make food and how they make new plants.
  • Native Plant Information Network
    This database is a guide to native plants of North America. Search by the plant’s name (you can use either scientific or common name) or by state. You will see a description of the plant, color photos and more information about it.

Environment and Ecology

  • Biomes
    • Biomes Around the World
      This site can help students in elementary school learn about biomes and ecosystems. Read about rainforests, tundra, taiga, deserts, grasslands and temperate deciduous forests. Find out about rivers, streams, ponds, lakes, wetlands, shorelines and oceans. The information is from the Missouri Botanical Garden.
    • Major Biomes of the World
      This site describes the distribution and characteristics of biomes. It was created by Radford University and has been used by students in middle school through high school.
    • Mission: Biomes
      Learn about weather, precipitation and types of plants in seven biomes. Play games to test what you learned.
  • Energy Kids
    Students in elementary school can learn all about energy. The Energy Basics section describes energy and how it is used. The Energy History area has timelines of different energy sources and short biographies of scientists. See the Games and Activities section for fun things to do. This site is sponsored by the U.S. Department of Energy.
  • Field Guide to Fairfax County’s Plants and Wildlife
    This guide shows some of the common plants and animals that may be seen in outdoor areas of Fairfax County.

Astronomy and Space Exploration


  • Adventures in Chemistry
    Try experiments, play games and learn about science. This site is for students in grades K-5 and is from the American Chemical Society (ACS). 
  • Crash Course Chemistry
    Hank Green teaches this course which is based on the 2012 AP Chemistry curriculum. It also includes a few episodes on organic chemistry.
  • Crash Course Organic Chemistry
    This course covers the chemistry of carbon. It uses your knowledge of general chemistry and takes it to the next level. The host, Deboki Chakravarti, has a doctorate in Biomedical Engineering. She works as a science writer/communicator.
  • Periodic Table of the Elements
    This source gives students the number, symbol, weight and other data of each element in the Periodic Table. You can also see an element’s history and properties, where it is found, how it is used and more. Provided by Los Alamos National Laboratory's Chemistry Division.


  • Earthquakes for Kids
    Kids can learn all about earthquakes at this site. They can also see what happened “today in earthquake history” and find ideas for science projects. From the U.S. Geological Survey.
    Offers articles and news on geology and earth science. There is also a geology dictionary. The site has both U.S. and world maps with satellite images.
  • NASA Climate Kids
    What is climate change and why do we care about it? Kids can learn about weather & climate, water, atmosphere, plants & animals and more.


  • Crash Course Physics
    Dr. Shini Somara covers AP Physics 1 & 2. Produced with PBS Digital Studios.
  • The Physics Classroom
    This site helps beginning physics students review basic topics. You can “Check Your Understanding” at the end of each section.


  • NOAA SciJinks — All About Weather
    What causes a thunderstorm? How do snowflakes form? Learn the answers to these questions and more. Topics include weather; hurricanes and storms; clouds, water and ice; tides and oceans; atmosphere; seasons; satellites and technology; and space weather. See the glossary to explore weather terms. For upper-elementary and middle school students. From NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory.
  • Weather History and Data Archive
    Find historical weather information for a specific date. Search by zip code, city or airport code.

Computer Science

  • CODE
    Learn the basics of computer science using drag and drop programming. The "Hour of Code" programs are designed for students of all ages. The site also features longer courses for students who are age 4-8 or age 9-18 to learn at their own pace.
  • Crash Course Computer Science
    Carrie Anne Philbin covers AP Computer Science Principles. Students can learn about computers: history, design, future and more.
  • Scratch
    Program your own stories, games and animations and share your creations. Provided by MIT Media Lab.
  • Tinkercad
    Create 3D designs with this free software that you can use in your web browser.


  • Crash Course Engineering
    Engineers try to solve the problems they see. This course covers four fields of engineering: civil, mechanical, chemical and electrical. Dr. Shini Somara discusses the history of these fields and the difference between them. This course is based on introductory college-level material.
  • Cyberchase
    Kids can explore activities, play games and watch videos to learn about engineering. This site is based on the PBS "Cyberchase" show.
  • Design Squad Nation
    Kids can be engineers! Build things such as an unpoppable balloon, a robo arm or a rubber band car. Watch videos and play games to learn more about engineering. This site is from PBS Kids.
  • Engineer Girl
    A site designed for girls to discover engineering careers and find dream jobs. Learn about engineers, what they do and how to get there.

Online Science Resources

Back to Science websites.

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