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Friends of the Library

Help enrich your community by becoming a Friend of the Fairfax County Public Library! Last Updated: May 31, 2024 9:40 AM

Friends of the Library MOU

The Library Board of Trustees embarked on an update to their MOU with the Friends of the Library groups several years ago, due to a variety of factors. An updated MOU is intended to expand upon information helpful to the Friends groups as they comply with legal requirements of non-profits, as well as highlighting County standards for working with non-profits, and documenting what the Library and the Trustees provide to the Friends groups.


  • At its September 13, 2017 meeting, the ad hoc MOU Committee of the Library Board provided a draft version of an updated MOU to the Trustees as an information item. It was concurrently emailed to the FOL Presidents. A copy is also available here for review.
  • Feedback on the draft MOU was received between September 1, 2017 and October 30, 2017.

Project Timeline

May 30, 2017: ad hoc Committee meeting, discussion of high level MOU areas
August 4th, 10th, and 22nd: Working sessions with the FOL groups regarding high level MOU areas
September 13, 2017: Provide draft MOU to Trustees and FOL Presidents
September 14-October 1, 2017: FOL groups and other interested parties to provide feedback on the draft document
October 13, 2017: October Library Board meeting; draft MOU and compiled comments provided as consideration item in the Board packet
November 8, 2017: November Library Board meeting: draft MOU and compiled comments provided as action item; discussion begins
December 13, 2017: The Library Board decided to extend the regularly scheduled December meeting to add time for discussion.
January 10, 2018: the Library Board approves a new MOU.


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