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Games with James

A glance at modern games Last Updated: Nov 13, 2024 2:50 PM

Gardening Games

Spring is a great time of year to enjoy gardening. But what if you don't have a green thumb? Why not play a board game about gardening instead? If you are a gardener you are sure to enjoy these games that much more!

A flower garden


Herbaceous box coverHerbaceous is a game about, you guessed it, growing herbs. Each turn you plant one herb card into a central plot that is available to all players and one herb card into your private plot. As the game progresses you'll pot herbs from both locations into your planters. Herbaceous is all about knowing when to plant and when to pot. Pot too soon and you won't score many points. Wait to pot too late and you'll find that someone else has snatched the herbs you wanted from the central plot. Games are quick and you'll find yourself wanting to shuffle the cards and play game after game.

This game is great for:

  • Herb gardeners,
  • People who love quick-playing card games,
  • Families,
  • People who like to press their luck.

Herb Gardening book cover

Other games you might enjoy:

  • Arboretum
  • Bloom
  • Ohanami

Books you might enjoy:

Cottage Garden

Box cover for Cottage GardenIn Cottage Garden players take on the role of gardeners trying to fill every corner of their flowerbeds with a variety of different flowers. The flower pieces, along with flowerpots and other common garden items, come in different shapes and sizes and must be fit into the grid that is your flower bed. When you finish one bed you score points and then get to work on a new one. Cottage Garden uses a unique system of having two different scoring markers for each player and allowing you to choose which one you move when filling up your flowerbed. It's a relaxing game that even when you aren't winning you'll enjoy looking at your beautiful flowerbeds.    

This game is great for:

  • Gardeners,
  • People who enjoy spatial puzzles,
  • Couples or groups,
  • Players who like to admire what they have created.

Book cover for Life in the Garden

Other games you might enjoy:

  • Spring Meadow
  • Noctiluca
  • Herbaceous Sprouts

Books you might enjoy:

Village Green

Box cover for Village GreenIf you like a little more competition in your gardening pursuits look no further than Village Green. In this game you are trying to have the most beautiful village green in the country. It takes a more macro-scale look at gardening and includes fun features like trees, fountains and ponds. Each round you either add cards to your green or nominate a row or column for an award (in game terms it is how you score points). Be mindful of what other players are trying to achieve and make sure you get the cards you really want to make sure your green is the best around.

This game is great for:

  • People who love to walk in sprawling gardens,
  • Gardeners,
  • People who enjoy strategic thinking with a bit of luck,
  • Couples who want a relaxing after dinner game.

Book cover of Anne of Green Gables

Other games you might enjoy:

  • Morels
  • Blossoms
  • Zen Garden

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