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Aging and Disability

Aging and Disability Resources Last Updated: Mar 21, 2025 7:46 AM

Access Services Library—Overview of Services

This guide provides an overview of the services, programs and resources available through the Access Services branch of Fairfax County Public Library. We remove barriers to library services for people who cannot read standard print materials or physically visit a library due to disability, health, illness and frailty. 

The Aging and Disability guide is intended for service providers, seniors 65+, individuals with disabilities and their caregivers.

  • ADA Accommodations

To request reasonable ADA accommodations or alternative format of materials for Fairfax County Public Library programs and services, please call 703-324-8380 or TTY 703-324-8365.

Visitors to Access Services may use a tabletop magnification device and a text-to-speech device. We have a selection of hand-held magnifiers and portable assistive listening systems available for borrowing. Demonstrations are available by appointment. Please reserve assistive listening systems two weeks in advance.

We sponsor the All Access Book Club, which meets over the phone. We assist book discussion groups for adults with visual impairment and physical limitations that meet at other locations throughout Fairfax County. 

Readers in Fairfax County who are unable to travel to a local library due to disability, health, or frailty may be eligible for free home delivery of library materials.

Our free newsletter, Loud & Clear is distributed to Access Services customers and to interested individuals and organizations. Loud & Clear is distributed in Braille, large print, and online. To add your name to our subscription list, email

  • Presentations and Outreach Programming

Access Services staff members are available to present free talks, programs and workshops about our specialized library services. Topics can be tailored to meet the needs of your group or organization. Please request programs at least two weeks in advance. We also welcome invitations to exhibit at wellness fairs and other community events.

The Disability Awareness Collection offers books and other materials related to learning about and managing disabilities. Our Audio-Described DVDs are classic, popular, and award-winning movies containing special descriptive narration for people with low vision or blindness.

Our Talking Book service provides digital cartridges and equipment free by mail, and access to the BARD Mobile App. Individuals of all ages who are unable to read or use standard print due to blindness, visual impairment, reading disabilities, or physical disabilities are eligible for the program. Access Services administers the Talking Book service for Fairfax County and for the cities of Fairfax and Falls Church on behalf of the Library of Congress. An application and certification are required.

The Access Services library sponsors support groups for adults coping with the loss of sight. Groups are facilitated by volunteers and meet at libraries and other locations in Fairfax County. Families, friends, and caregivers are also welcome to participate.


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