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Adults and 50-Plus

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What are the guidelines for entering a poem?

  1. Only one poem can be submitted per person. Your poem must be either a sonnet, a rhyming poem or free verse. 
  2. Maximum length of poem is two pages typed, Aptos, Times New Roman, Cambria or Calibri, font size 12. Do not submit poems with multiple columns of text.
  3. Poems must be titled.
  4. Poems can’t be in a paragraph format. Each sentence should have its own line. Poems can include stanzas.
  5. Poetry must be uploaded as a single-sided PDF or Word document. Do not upload photocopies from books or magazines as these will be disqualified.
  6. Submitted poems must be previously unpublished.
  7. Poems should be submitted online. The online submissions form will be available from April 1-May 4, 2025. Submissions will not be accepted by mail or in person.


Who can submit a poem?


To participate in Poetic Musings:

  • You must be at least 13 years of age.
  • You must live, work or study in Fairfax County.

Staff of Fairfax County Public Library and contest judges are ineligible to enter. 

If any of these entry or eligibility rules are not met, poems will be automatically disqualified.

Please note the following:

  • Poets are not reimbursed for submittals.
  • Poets own the rights to their work.
  • Poems may be published on Fairfax County Public Library's website or via social media channels.

Questions? Email (Adults) or (Teens). 

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