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eBooks, eAudio, eMags & Streaming: Tech Help

Thousands of eBooks and eAudiobooks available anytime and from anywhere you have internet access—free with your library card! Last Updated: Jan 3, 2025 9:48 AM

The Libby, by OverDrive Collection of eBooks, eAudiobooks and eMagazines

The Libby, by OverDrive collection provides thousands of eBooks, eAudiobooks and eMagazines and includes popular fiction and non-fiction titles for readers of all ages.

Libby eBooks, eAudiobooks and eMagazines are available for up to 21 days at a time and are automatically returned at the end of the lending period. There are no late fees! Customers may check out up to 10 eBooks and/or eAudiobooks at one time. There are no limits on eMagazine checkouts.

Titles may be read or listened to on a computer or on a portable device, through the Libby app or with a browser via and The instructions listed below are available to to help you set-up and use (as well as troubleshoot) Libby to access eBooks, eAudiobooks and eMagazines.


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