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Bubbly Beautiful Kitty-Corn by Shannon Hale and Leuyen Pham

by Caroline Tirona, Circulation on 2024-08-22T08:47:00-04:00 | 0 Comments

A day before school started, I had the opportunity to speak with five-year-old Amara, and she talked about her anxiety about the first day of school. She was worried that she would not be able to behave and not stop talking while in class. It's totally understandable if you're a talker. I just told her to at least try to behave the first week, so the teacher would not always expect her to misbehave. Well, as an older person, I was proud to be able to give her some advice. And I was also glad that I had read Bubbly Beautiful Kitty-Corn. I hope the story gave her hope, so that she wouldn't worry too much and think about the positive and exciting possibilities  of having and meeting new friends when she's at school.   

I told her the book is about friendship. It started with Unicorn's dream of becoming an enchanting mermaid. Kitty knew that it was an impossible dream because first, her friend was a unicorn, and second, unicorns do not know how to swim. But Kitty, being a good friend, worked hard to make Unicorn a matching mermaid costume and got all sorts of floaties to wrap around her friend's legs, torso, neck and arms so her friend could float.   

In the end, I think it was a good talk that ended up with a good book.

Cover ArtBubbly Beautiful Kitty-Corn by Shannon Hale; LeUyen Pham (Illustrator)
ISBN: 9781419768774
Publication Date: 2024-03-26

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