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Virginia Room Research Last Updated: Feb 5, 2025 3:45 PM


General Books About Colonial Crafts

The Crafts of Williamsburg, by Wamsley, James S. Williamsburg, VA: Colonial Williamsburg Foundation, 1982. VREF 609 W 1982

Little Book of Early American Crafts and Trades by Stockham, Peter, ed. New York: Dover Publications, 1976. VREF 680 L

The Colonial Craftsman, by Carl Bridenbaugh. New York: New York University Press, Washington Square, New York, 1950. VREF 680 B 1950

Colonial American Craftspeople, by Bernardine S. Stevens. New York: Franklin Watts, 1993. VREF 680 S 1993.

Early American Crafts and Trades Series: Historic Communities, by Bobby Kalman. New York: Crabtree Publishing Co., 1992. VREF 680 K 1992

Colonial Crafts, by Bobbie Kalman. Publisher: Crabtree, 1992. VREF 680 K 1992

Colonial Craftsmen and the Beginnings of American Industry by Tunis, Edwin. New York: Thomas Y. Crowell Company, 1965. VREF 680 T

The Craftsman in America, prepared by the Special Publications Division, National Geographic Society, Washington, DC, 1975. VREF 680 C 1975

General Books about Domestic Life

Colonial Virginians at Play, by Jane Carson. Williamsburg, Va.: Colonial Williamsburg, Inc., 1965. VREF 790.9755 C

Virginians at Home: Family Life in the Eighteenth Century, by Morgan, Edmund S. Williamsburg, Va.: Colonial Williamsburg Foundation, 1952. VREF 975.5 M

Domestic Life in Virginia in the Seventeenth Century, by Jester, Annie Lash. Williamsburg, Va.: The Virginia 350th Anniversary Celebration Corporation, 1957. VREF 975.5 S No. 17

Everyday Life in Early America, by Hawke, David Freeman. New York: Harper & Row, 1988. VREF 973.2 H

The Writer’s Guide to Everyday Life in Colonial America, by Dale Taylor. Cincinnati, OH: Writer’s Digest Books, 1997. VREF 973.2 T 1997

General Books About Description and Travel

Travelers in Tidewater Virginia, by Jane Carson. Colonial Williamsburg, Va.: University Press of Virginia, 1965. VREF 917.55 C

We Were There: Descriptions of Williamsburg, 1699-1859, by Jane Carson. Colonial Williamsburg: 1965. VREF 917.5425

Official Guide to Williamsburg, by Michael Olmert. Drawings by Peter C. Turner. Maps by Louis Luedtke. Williamsburg, Va.: The Colonial Williamsburg Foundation, 1985. VREF 917.5425 O

The Official Guidebook and Map of Colonial Williamsburg, by Colonial Williamsburg, Inc. Williamsburg, Va.: Colonial Williamsburg, Inc., 1951. 917.5425 C 1951

Williamsburg: How to Plan Your Visit, by Greater Williamsburg Chamber and Tourism Alliance. Williamsburg, VA: Greater Williamsburg Chamber and Tourism Alliance, 2006. 917.5425 W 2006

Colonial Virginia: A Picture Book to Remember Her By, designed by David Gibbon, produced by Ted Smart. Crescent Books, 1979. VREF 975.5 C

Accountants and Bookkeepers

“Apprentices from Christ’s Hospital Make Good in America”, by Harold B. Gill Jr. Colonial Williamsburg: The Journal of the Colonial Williamsburg Foundation IX, No. 1, Autumn 1988, pp. 15-18. VREF 975.5425 C


“The Art and Mystery of the Apothecary” by Kipps, Robin. Colonial Williamsburg: The Journal of the Colonial Williamsburg Foundation, XXVIII, No. 4, Autumn 2006, pp. 40-43. VREF 975.5425 C

Fevers, Agues, and Cures: Medical Life in Old Virginia, by Savitt, Todd L. Richmond: Virginia Historical Society, 1990. VREF 610.9 S 1990

“Notes on an Early Virginia Physician”, by Shosteck, Robert. American Jewish Archives, Vol. XXIII, No. 2, November 1971. VREF 610.9 S

Revolutionary Medicine, by Wilbur, C. Keith, M.D. Chester, Connecticut: The Globe Pequot Press, 1980. VREF 610.9 W 1980

The Apothecary in Eighteenth-Century Williamsburg, by The Colonial Williamsburg Foundation. Williamsburg, Va.: Colonial Williamsburg, 1965 and 2001. VREF 680 C

“The Apothecary", pp. 44-46, Colonial Craftsmen and the Beginnings of American Industry by Tunis, Edwin. New York: Thomas Y. Crowell Company, 1965. VREF 680 T

The Apothecary in Colonial Virginia, by Harold B Gill. Publisher: Univ Press of VA, 1972. VREF 615 G

Architects and Builders/Housewrights//Woodwrights

“The Builder”, pp. 85-87, Colonial Craftsmen and the Beginnings of American Industry, by Tunis, Edwin. New York: Thomas Y. Crowell Company, 1965. VREF 680 T

Virginia Architecture in the Seventeenth Century. Williamsburg, Va.: Virginia 350th Anniversary Celebration Corp., 1957. VREF 975.5 S No. 11

Tools: Working Wood in 18th Century America, by Gaynor, James M. and Hagedorn, Nancy L. Williamsburg, Va.: The Colonial Williamsburg Foundation, 1993. VREF 684.082 G 1993

Early Architecture of the South, edited by Mullins, Lisa C. and prefaced by Underhill, Roy. Pittstown, New Jersey: The National Historical Society, 1987. VREF 720.975 E 1987

An Illustrated Glossary of Early Southern Architecture and Landscape, edited by Lounsbury, Carl R. with editorial assistance by Patrick, Vanessa E. Charlottesville, Va.: University Press of Virginia, 1999. VREF 720.975 I 1999

Domestic Colonial Architecture of Tidewater, Virginia, by Thomas Tilestone Waterman and John A. Barrows. New York: Dover Publications Inc., 1969. VREF 728 W 1969

"Our Most Skillful Architect": Richard Taliaferro and Associated Colonial Virginia Constructions, by Lanciano, Claude Olwen. Publisher: Lands End Books, 1981. VREF B TALIAFERRO

The Architects, by Fisher, Leonard Everett. Publisher: Watts, 1970. Colonial Americans Series. J720.973 F

Home Building and Woodworking in Colonial America, by C. Keith Wilbur. Globe Pequot Press, 1992. VREF 694 W 1992. This book covers the complete process of housebuilding used from the late 1600s to the mid-1700s from New England to the South.

GO TO: VREF 728 -- There are many books at this call number on architecture and design, especially that of the Colonial South.


“The Baker”, pp. 43-44, Colonial Craftsmen and the Beginnings of American Industry, by Tunis, Edwin. New York: Thomas Y. Crowell Company, 1965. VREF 680 T

“Baker”, pp. 64-65, The Crafts of Williamsburg, by James S. Wamsley. Williamsburg, Va.: Collonial Williamsburg, 1982. VREF 609 W

“The Baker”, pp. 103-109, Little Book of Early American Crafts and Trades, by Stockham, Peter, ed. New York: Dover Publications, 1976. VREF 680 L

Barbers and Wigmakers

The Wigmaker in the Eighteenth Century: An Account of His Barbering, Hairdressing, & Peruke-making Services & Some Remarks on Wigs of Various Styles, edited by Ford, Thomas K. Williamsburg, Va.: Colonial Williamsburg, 1979. VREF 680 C

Wigmaking in Colonial America, by Thomas K. Bullock and Maurice B. Tonkin, Jr. with research assistance by Raymond R. Townsend, Research Department, Colonial Williamsburg, Inc. April, 1957.

“The Barber and Wigmaker”, pp. 41-43, Colonial Craftsmen and the Beginnings of American Industry, by Tunis, Edwin. New York: Thomas Y. Crowell Company, 1965. VREF 680 T


Colonial Crafts, by Kalman, Bobbie. Publisher: Crabtree, 1992. VREF 680 K 1992


The Blacksmith, by Kalman, Bobbie. Publisher: Crabtree, 2002. VREF 682 K 2002

“The Town Blacksmiths”, pp. 58-61, Colonial Craftsmen and the Beginnings of American Industry, by Tunis, Edwin. New York: Thomas Y. Crowell Company, 1965. VREF 680 T

A Day in the Life of a Colonial Blacksmith, by Kathy Wilmore. Publisher: PowerKids Press, 2000. J682 W 2000


Bookbinding in Colonial Virginia, by Samford, C. Clement and Hemphill, John M., II. Williamsburg, Va.: University Press of Virginia, Charlottesville, 1966. VREF 686.3 S 1996

Bookbinding: A Manual of Techniques, by Richmond, Pamela. Ramsbury, Marlborough, Wiltshire: Crowood Press, 1989. 686.3 R 1989

The Bookbinder in Eighteenth-Century Williamsburg, by The Colonial Williamsburg Foundation. Williamsburg, Va.: Colonial Williamsburg, 1970. VREF 680 C

“The Bookbinder,” pp. 98-101, in Colonial Craftsmen and the Beginnings of American Industry, by Tunis, Edwin. New York: Thomas Y. Crowell Company, 1965. VREF 680 T


“The Braziers,” pp. 141-143, describes the making of brass items in Colonial America: mathematical instruments, bells, buttons, and pins, in Colonial Craftsmen and the Beginnings of American Industry, by Tunis, Edwin. New York: Thomas Y. Crowell Company, 1965. VREF 680 T

American Copper & Brass, by Kauffman, Henry J. Camden, New Jersey: Thomas Nelson & Sons, 1968. 739.5 K


Colonial America, by Jerome R. Reich. Publisher: Prentice-Hall, 2001. 973.2 R 2001

Beer in America: The Early Years—1587-1840, by Gregg Smith. Brewers Publications, Boulder, CO, 1998. 338.76 S 1990


Colonial Crafts, by Kalman, Bobbie. Publisher: Crabtree, 1992. VREF 680 K 1992

Comments on Virginia Brickwork Before 1800, by Claiborne, Herbert A. Portland, Maine: The Anthoensen Press, 1957. VREF 693.2 C

Carpenters, and Cabinet Makers and Joiners

Colonial Crafts, by Kalman, Bobbie. Publisher: Crabtree, 1992. VREF 680 K 1992

The Cabinetmakers, by Leonard Everett Fisher. Publisher: Franklin Watts, Colonial Craftsmen series, 1966. J684.1 F

The Cabinetmakers of America, by Ethel Hall Bjerkoe. Publisher: Doubleday, 1957. VREF 749 B

The Cabinetmaker in Eighteenth-Century Williamsburg, by The Colonial Williamsburg Foundation. Williamsburg, Va.: Colonial Williamsburg, 1970. VREF 680 C

Tools: Working Wood in Eighteenth-Century America, By Gaynor, James M. and Hagedorn, Nancy L. Williamsburg, Va.: Colonial Williamsburg Foundation, 1993. VREF 684.082 G 1993

A Day in the Life of a Colonial Cabinetmaker, by Merrill, Amy French. New York: PowerKids Press, 2002. Series Title: Library of Living and Working in Colonial Times. J 684.1 M

The First American Furniture Finisher’s Manual: A Reprint of “The Cabinet-Maker’s Guide” of 1827, ed. by Museey, Robert D., Jr. New York: Dover Publications, Inc., 1987. VREF 684.1 F

Home Building and Woodworking in Colonial America, by C. Keith Wilbur. Philadelphia: Chelsea House Publications, 1992. VREF 694 W 1992

Joinery: Shaping and Milling: Techniques and Strategies for Making Furniture Parts from Fine Woodworking, by several authors. Newtown, CT.: The Taunton Press, 1999. J 684.08 J 1999


“The Chandlers”, pp. 116-119, in Colonial Craftsmen and the Beginnings of American Industry by Tunis, Edwin. New York: Thomas Y. Crowell Company, 1965. VREF 680 T

Charcoal Makers/Colliers

Science and Technology in Colonial America, by William E. Burns. Publisher: Greenwood Press, 2005. 609.73 B 2005


The Colonial Clergy of Virginia, North Carolina, and South Carolina. By Weis, Frederick Louis. Baltimore: Genealogical Pub. Co. Inc., 1955. VREF 929.375 WEIS 1955

The Colonial Clergy and the Colonial Churches of New England, by Frederick Lewis Weis. Published: Lancaster, Mass., Society of the Descendants of the Colonial Clergy, 1936.


“Chapter IX, Old Clocks” in The Old and the Quaint in Virginia, by Georgia Dickinson Wardlaw. Richmond, Virginia: The Dietz Press, 1939. VREF 975.5 W260

“Early Colonial Clockmakers in Philadelphia”, by Carolyn Wood Stretch. Pennsylvania Magazine of History and Biography, LVI, 1932.

Cooking, Housekeeping, Domestic Arts

A Taste of Virginia History: A Guide to Historic Eateries and Their Recipes, by Nunley, Debbie & Elliott, Karen Jane. Winston-Salem, N. C.: John F. Blair, 2004. VREF 6431.5 N 2004

Woman’s Life in Colonial Days, by Holliday, Carl. Boston: Cornhill Publishing Company, 1922. VREF 973.2 H 1922

Home and Child Life in Colonial Days, by Earle, Alice Morse. New York: Macmillan, 1969. VREF 973.2 E

Home Life in Colonial Days, by Alice Morse Earle. Berkshire Traveller Press, 1974; 1992. VREF 973.2 E 1974

Women’s Life and Work in the Southern Colonies, by Spruill, Julia Cherry. New York: W. W. Norton & Company, Inc., 1972. 305.409 S 1998

Colonial American Home Life, by Warner, J. F. (John F.). New York: Franklin Watts, 1993. VREF 973.2 W 1993

The Williamsburg Art of Cookery; or, Accomplish’d Gentlewoman’s Companion: Being a Collection of Upwards of Five Hundred of the Most Ancient and Approv’d Recipes in Virginia Cookery…And Also a Table of Favorite Williamsburg Garden Herbs, by Bullock, Helen Claire Duprey. Williamsburg: Dietz, 1995. VREF 641.5 B

Colonial Virginia Cookery: Procedures, Equipment, and Ingredients in Colonial Cooking, by Jane Crason. Williamsburg, Va.: Colonial Williamsburg Foundation, 1985. 641.5 C 1985

Hearthside Cooking: An Introduction to Virginia Plantation Cuisine, Including Bills of Fare, Tools and Techniques, and Original Recipes with Adaptations for Modern Fireplaces and Kitchens, by Crump, Nancy Carter. McLean, Va.: EPM Publications, 1986. VREF 641.5 C

The Colonial Cook, by Kalman, Bobbie. New York: Crabtree Publishing Company, 2002. 641.09 K 2002

The First American Cookbook: A Facsimile of “American Cookery” 1796, by Simmons, Amelia. New York: Dover Publications, 1984, 1958. VREF 641.01 S 1984

Colonial Life, by Kalman, Bobbie. New York: Crabtree Publishing Company, 1992. VREF J 973.2 K 1992

Housekeeping Book, by Lewis, Nelly Custis. New Orleans, LA: Historic New Orleans Collection, 1982. VREF 640 L

Colonial Christmas Cooking, by Mitchell, Patricia. Chatham, VA: P. B. Mitchell, 1990, 1991. VREF 641.5 M 1991

Pleasures of Colonial Cooking, by Miller-Cory House Museum and New Jersey Historical Society. New Jersey: New Jersey Historical Society, 1982. VREF 641.5 P

Colonial Fireplace Cooking & Early American Recipes, by Chalmers, Margaret Taylor. East Lansing, MI: Shoestring Press, 1979. VREF 641.5 C 1979

The Kitchen, by Kalman, Bobbie. New York: Crabtree Publishing Company, 1990, 1993. VREF 641.09 K 1993

The Colonial Williamsburg Tavern Cookbook, by Gonzales, John R. Williamsburg, Va.: The Colonial Williamsburg Foundation, 2001. VREF 641.5 C 2001

“Sally Lunn and Salamagundi: Colonial Cookery Lives On in Williamsburg”, by Miles, James C. Colonial Williamsburg: The Journal of the Colonial Williamsburg Foundation, VII, No. 1, Autumn 1984, pp. 24-27. VREF 975.5425 C

Coopers/Barrel Building

Colonial Crafts, by Kalman, Bobbie. Publisher: Crabtree, 1992. VREF 680 K 1992

“The Craft of the Cooper”, by Marden, Luis. Colonial Williamsburg: The Journal of the Colonial Williamsburg Foundation, XII (No. 2), Winter 1989-1990, pp. 17-26. VREF 975.5425 C

“A Cooper’s Tale”, by Pettengell, George. Colonial Williamsburg: The Journal of the Colonial Williamsburg Foundation, IX (No. 3), Spring 1987, p. 13. VREF 975.5425 C


“The Coppersmith,” pp. 76-80, Colonial Craftsmen and the Beginnings of American Industry, by Tunis, Edwin. New York: Thomas Y. Crowell Company, 1965. VREF 680 T

Art of Coppersmithing: A Practical Treatise on Working Sheet Copper Into All Forms, by John Fuller, Publisher: David Williams Company, New York, 1911.

Craft Shops and Storekeeping Cutlers

“Cutlers” pp. 50-51, Colonial Craftsmen and the Beginnings of American Industry by Tunis, Edwin. New York: Thomas Y. Crowell Company, 1965. VREF 680 T

Doctors, Medicine, Physicks, Surgeons

Epidemics in Colonial America, by John Duffy. Baton Rouge: Louisiana State University Press, 1953. VREF 614.49 D

Medicine in Virginia, 1607-1699, by Hughes, Thomas Proctor. Williamsburg, Va.: Virginia 350th Anniversary Celebration Corp., 1957. VREF 975.5 S No. 21

Fevers, Agues, and Cures: Medical Life in Old Virginia, by Savitt, Todd L. Richmond, Va.: Virginia Historical Society, 1990. VREF 610.9 S 1990

Medicine and Slavery: The Diseases and Health Care of Blacks in Antebellum Virginia, by Savitt, Todd L. Chicago: University of Illinois Press, 1978. VREF 326 S

Revolutionary Medicine, 1700-1800, by Wilbur, C. Keith, M.D. Chester, Ct.: The Globe Pequot Press, 1980. VREF 610.9 W 1980

Notes on an Early Virginia Physician, by De Sequeyra, John, Dr. Reprinted by permission of American Jewish Archives, 1971. VREF 610.9 S

Physick: The Professional Practice of Medicine in Williamsburg, Virginia, 1740-1775, by Cotner, Sharon et. al. Williamsburg, Va.: Colonial Williamsburg Foundation, 2003. VREF 610.9755 P 2003

Medicine in Virginia in the Seventeenth Century, by Blanton, Wyndham B., M.D. New York: Arno Press & The New York Times, 1972. VREF 610.9 B

“The Architecture of the Public Hospital: Containing Madness”, by Chappell, Edward A. and McDonald, Travis C. Colonial Williamsburg: The Journal of the Colonial Williamsburg Foundation, VII, No. 3, Spring 1985, pp. 26-29. VREF 975.5425 C

“The Public Hospital: Its Place in Williamsburg”, by Pappas, Nicholas A. Colonial Williamsburg: The Journal of the Colonial Williamsburg Foundation, VII, No. 4, Summer 1985, pp. 29-31. VREF 975.5425 C

“Inside the Public Hospital”, by Zwelling, Shomer S. Colonial Williamsburg: The Journal of the Colonial Williamsburg Foundation, VII, No. 2, Winter 1985, pp. 21-25. VREF 975.5425 C

“Smallpox in Williamsburg: Inoculations Stirred Controversy”, by Pryor, Susan and Pryor, B. J. Colonial Williamsburg: The Journal of the Colonial Williamsburg Foundation, IX, No. 3, Spring 1987, pp. 34-37. VREF 975.5425 C

“Doctoring Diseases of Virginia”, by Gill, Harold B., Jr. Colonial Williamsburg: The Journal of the Colonial Williamsburg Foundation, XV, No. 1, Autumn 1992, pp. 45-47. VREF 975.5425 C

The Doctors, by Fisher, Leonard Everett. Publisher: Watts, Colonial Americans Series. Pub date: c1968, c1966. J610.9 F

A Day in the Life of a Colonial Doctor, by Laurie Krebs. Publisher: PowerKids Press, 2004. J610.9 K 2004

Dressmakers, Seamstresses

A Day in the Life of a Colonial Dressmaker, by Amy French Merrill. Publisher: PowerKids Press, 2002. J646.4 M 2002


Agriculture in Virginia, 1607-1699, by Carrier, Lyman. Williamsburg, Va.: Virginia 350th Anniversary Celebration Corporation, 1957. VREF 975.5 S No. 14

Kingsmill Plantations, 1619-1800: Archaeology of Country Life in Colonial Virginia, by Kelso, William M. Orlando: Academic Press, 1984. VREF 975.5425 K

A Day in the Life of a Colonial Indigo Planter, by Laurie Krebs. Publisher: PowerKids Press, 2004. J975.7 K 2004

Farmer George Plants a Nation, by Peggy Thomas. Publisher: Calkins Creek, 2008. JB WASHINGTON 2008


The Bounty of the Chesapeake: Fishing in Colonial Virginia, by Wharton, James. Williamsburg, Va.: Virginia 350th Anniversary Celebration, 1957. VREF 975.5 S No. 13 1957

The Fish and Fisheries of Colonial North America: a Documentary History of the Fishery Resources of the United States and Canada, by Pearson, John Cleary. United States Department of the Interior, National Marine Fisheries Service, Washington, DC, 1972.

“Fishing”, pp.45-47; “Whaling”, pp. 47-50; in Science and Technology in Colonial America, by William E. Burns. Publisher: Greenwood Press, 2005. 609.73 B 2005


Food, by Audrey Noel Hume. Williamsburg, Va.: Colonial Williamsburg Foundation, 1978. VREF 394.12 N 1978

“Colonial Foodways”, by Ed Crews. Colonial Williamsburg: The Journal of the Colonial Williamsburg Foundation, XXVI, No. 3, Autumn 2004, pp. 76-81. VREF 975.5425 C

Colonial Virginia Cookery: Procedures, Equipment, and Ingredients in Colonial Cooking, by Jane Carson. Publisher: Colonial Williamsburg Foundation, 1985. VREF 641.5 C 1985


“Founders” pp. 20. Colonial Crafts, by Kalman, Bobbie. Publisher: Crabtree, 1992. VREF 680 K 1992

“Firearms and Founders,” by Ed Crews. Colonial Williamsburg: The Journal of the Colonial Williamsburg Foundation, XXII, No. 3, Autumn 2000, pp. 54-58. VREF 975.5425 C


“The Fuller,” pp. 35-36, describes the process of fulling wool and the establishment of fulling mills in colonial America, in Colonial Craftsmen and the Beginnings of American Industry by Tunis, Edwin. New York: Thomas Y. Crowell Company, 1965. VREF 680 T

Weaving a Common Thread: A History of the Woolen Industry In the Top of the Shenandoah Valley, by Wilbur S. Johnston, Winchester-Frederick County Historical Society, 1990. VREF 677.31 J 1990


“Gardens of Delight and Pleasure” by Ingram, John. Colonial Williamsburg: The Journal of the Colonial Williamsburg Foundation, VIII, No. 4, Summer 1986, pp. 17-35. VREF 975.5425 C

“Virginia’s Oldest Garden: Medieval Exhedras at Bacon’s Castle”, by Luccketti, Nicholas. Colonial Williamsburg: The Journal of the Colonial Williamsburg Foundation, VIII, No. 4, Summer 1986, pp. 36-39. VREF 975.5425 C

“Bottles and Bones and Asparagus?” by Edwards, Andrew. Colonial Williamsburg: The Journal of the Colonial Williamsburg Foundation, VIII, No. 4, Summer 1986, pp. 40-42. VREF 975.5425 C


The Glasshouse: 1608-1957: Jamestown, Virginia, by Bolitho, Hector. Jamestown Glasshouse Foundation, 1957. VREF 748 B 1957

A Tryal of Glasse: The Story of Glassmaking at Jamestown, by Harrington, J. C. Richmond, Va.: Dietz Press, Inc., 1972. VREF 748 H

Glassmaking at Jamestown, 1608-1609 and 1621-1624: One of the First English Industries in the New World, by Hudson, J. Paul. Jamestown, Va.: Jamestown Foundation, 1967. VREF 748 H 1967

Glass in Colonial Williamsburg’s Archaeological Collections, by Hume, Ivor Noel. Williamsburg, Va.: Colonial Williamsburg, Inc., 1969. VREF 748 N

The Glassmakers, by Fisher, Leonard Everett. Publisher: Watts, Colonial Craftsmen series. 1964. J666.1 F

“The Glass Blowers”, pp. 136-141, in Colonial Craftsmen and the Beginnings of American Industry, by Tunis, Edwin. New York: Thomas Y. Crowell Company, 1965. VREF 680 T

A Day in the Life of a Colonial Glassblower, by J. L. Branse. Publisher: PowerKids Press, 2002. J748.2 B 2002


“Gunsmith”, pp. 17. Colonial Crafts, by Kalman, Bobbie. Publisher: Crabtree, 1992. VREF 680 K 1992

The Gunsmith in Colonial Virginia, by Gill, Harold B., Jr. Williamsburg, Va.: Colonial Williamsburg Foundation, 1974. VREF 683.4 G

“Lord Dunmore’s Guns”, by Hood, Graham. Colonial Williamsburg: The Journal of the Colonial Williamsburg Foundation, VIII, No. 2, Winter 1985-1986, p. 25. VREF 975.5425 C

“The Gunsmith’s Shop”, by Crews, Ed. Colonial Williamsburg: The Journal of the Colonial Williamsburg Foundation, XXII, No. 3, Autumn 2000, pp. 50-53. VREF 975.5425 C

James Geddy and Sons: Colonial Craftsmen, by Ivor Noel Hume. The Colonial Williamsburg Foundation, Williamsburg, Virginia, 1970. VREF 975.5425 N 1970

Harness Makers and Leatherworkers

“Harnessmaker”, pp. 5. Colonial Crafts, by Kalman, Bobbie. Publisher: Crabtree, 1992. VREF 680 K 1992

“Eric Myall’s Way with Leather”, by Barrett, Wayne. Colonial Williamsburg: The Journal of the Colonial Williamsburg Foundation, IX, No. 3, Spring 1987, p. 14. VREF 975.5425 C

The Leatherworker in the Eighteenth Century Williamsburg: Being an Account of the Nature of Leather, and the Crafts Commonly Engaged in the Making and Using of It, by the Colonial Williamsburg Foundation. Williamsburg, Va.: Colonial Williamsburg Foundation, 1973. VREF 680 C


The Hatters, by Fisher, Leonard Everett. New York: Benchmark Books, 1965. 687 F

“The Hatter,” pp. 46-48, Colonial Craftsmen and the Beginnings of American Industry, by Tunis, Edwin. New York: Thomas Y. Crowell Company, 1965. VREF 680 T


“The Hornsmith”, pp. 54-56, Colonial Craftsmen and the Beginnings of American Industry, by Tunis, Edwin. New York: Thomas Y. Crowell Company, 1965. VREF 680 T


“The Icehouse”, by Gray, Louise. The Bulletin of the King and Queen County Historical Society of Virginia, No. 59, July 1985, pp. 2-3. VREF 975.535 K 1983/91

“Before Our Ice Age,” by Hoffman, David. Country, Volume IV, Number 8, August 1983, pp. 50-52. VREF 974 C v. 4 1983

“Keeping Cool: Early Alexandria Ice Houses”, by Miller, T. Michael. The Fireside Sentinel. Alexandria Library (Lloyd House), Vol. 5, No. 6, June 1991, pp. 78-80. VREF 975.5296 F 1991/95 v. 5/9


Colonial Americans at Work, by Herbert Applebaum, University Press of America, Inc. 1996. VREF 305.562 A 1996

“When the Rose is in the Bloomery: It’s Iron-Making Time”, by Harvey, David. Colonial Williamsburg: The Journal of the Colonial Williamsburg Foundation, VIII, No. 2, Winter 1985-86, pp. 9-12. VREF 975.5425 C

Virginia Iron Manufacture in the Slave Era, by Bruce, Kathleen. New York: Augustus M. Kelley, 1968. VREF 338.47 B

“The Ironmasters: George Washington’s father, Augustine, was an ironmaster. He helped to establish Bristol Furnace in 1722 on the Rappahannock River…” pp. 147-154, in Colonial Craftsmen and the Beginnings of American Industry, by Tunis, Edwin. New York: Thomas Y. Crowell Company, 1965. VREF 680 T

Principio to Wheeling, 1715-1945: A Pageant of Iron and Steel, by May, Earl Chapin. Harper & Brothers Publishers, New York, 1945. VREF 672 M – Discusses the origins of the iron industry and trade in Maryland and Virginia, including the role of George Washington’s family.

Lawyers and Judges

“The Colonial Bar and the American Revolution”, by Robert F. Boden, Marquette Law Review, Vol 60, Issue 1, Fall 1976

“The Legal Profession in Colonial America”, by Anton-Hermann Chroust, Notre Dame Law Review, Volume 34, Issue 1, 1958.

Criminal Law in Colonial Virginia, by Scott, Arthur P. Publisher: University of Chicago Press, 1930. VRARE 340.0975 S 1930

Librarians and Archivists

Lighthouse Keepers

A Day in the Life of a Colonial Lighthouse Keeper, by Laurie Krebs. Publisher: PowerKids Press, 2004. J623.894 K 2004

Brilliant Beacons: a History of the American Lighthouse, by Eric Jay Dolin. Publisher: Liveright Publishing Corporation, a division of W.W. Norton & Company, 2016. 623.894 D 2016


“The Locksmith,” pp. 61-63, in Colonial Craftsmen and the Beginnings of American Industry, by Tunis, Edwin. New York: Thomas Y. Crowell Company, 1965. VREF 680 T

Mariners, Sailors

“Seafaring work, significant and essential to the success of the early seaports, consisted mainly of loading, sailing and unloading merchant vessels.” Taken from: Colonial Americans at Work, by Herbert Applebaum, University Press of America, Inc. 1996. VREF 305.562 A 1996


Women’s Life and Work in the Southern Colonies, by Julia Cherry Spruill. Pub: W.W. Norton & Company, Inc. 1972. VREF 305.409S 1972

A Midwife's Tale [Electronic Resource]: The Life Of Martha Ballard, Based On Her Diary, 1785-1812, by Ulrich, Laurel. Publisher: Vintage Books, Pub date: 1991. Available as e-book.

“Midwives”, pp. 264-266, Women in Early America, by Dorothy A. Mays. Pub: ABC-CLIO, Inc. 2004. VREF 305.409M 2004.

Millers and Mills

“Burwell’s Mill on the Road to Independence”, by Simpson, Alan. Colonial Williamsburg: The Journal of the Colonial Williamsburg Foundation, IX, No. 1, Autumn 1986, pp. 34-39. VREF 975.5425 C

“Windmills in Early America”, by Sass, John A. Colonial Williamsburg: The Journal of the Colonial Williamsburg Foundation, XII, No. 1, Autumn 1989, pp. 7-15. VREF 975.5425 C

The Miller in Eighteenth-Century Virginia, Williamsburg Craft Series, Williamsburg: Published by Colonial Williamsburg, 1978. VREF 680 C

Young Mill-Wright and Miller’s Guide, by Oliver Evans, Arno Press, New York, 1872; reprint of 1850 book published in Philadelphia, describes how to build and operate a water-powered flour mill. VREF 664.72 E

Water Milling on Catharpin Run, Prince William County, Virginia, by E. R. Conner III. Publisher: Conner, 1975. VREF 664.72 C

A Day in the Life of a Colonial Miller, by Laurie Krebs. Publisher: PowerKids Press, 2004. J664.72 K 2004


The Milliner, by Walker, Niki and Kalman, Bobbie. New York: Crabtree Publishing, 2002. J 391.09 W 2002

“Milliners and Seamstresses’, pp. 269-270, Women in Early America, by Dorothy A. Mays. Pub: ABC-CLIO, Inc. 2004. VREF 305.409M 2004.

Musicians and Singers

“After You, Peter Pelham”, by Barrett, Wayne. Colonial Williamsburg: The Journal of the Colonial Williamsburg Foundation, VII, No. 1, Autumn 1984, pp. 22-23. VREF 975.5425 C

“Marcus Hansen and the Singing Wood: Making Musical Instruments in the Tradition of the Great Masters”, by Marden, Luis. Colonial Williamsburg: The Journal of the Colonial Williamsburg Foundation, XIV, No. 2, Winter 1991-92, pp. 8-19. VREF 975.5425 C

“Call to Arms: Military Musicians in Colonial and Revolutionary America” by Anne Midgley. Saber and Scroll: Vol.1: Iss. 2, Summer 2012.

"Virginians Will Dance or Die! The Importance of Music in Pre-Revolutionary Williamsburg" by Joshua R. LeHuray. VREF 780.9755 LeHurray 2016

Painters and Limners

Charles Bridges and William Dering: Two Virginia Painters, 1735-1750 by Hood, Graham. Colonial Williamsburg Foundation, 1978. 759.1 H

The Limners: America's Earliest Portrait Painters, by Fisher, Leonard Everett. Reprinted by Marshall Cavendish, 2000, as part of Colonial Craftsmen series. J757 F 1969 Discusses the motivation, materials, and techniques of the first "artists" in colonial America—the sign painters—and how their works contribute to a better understanding of early American history and society.

“The Limner,” pp. 109-110, in Colonial Craftsmen and the Beginnings of American Industry, by Tunis, Edwin. New York: Thomas Y. Crowell Company, 1965. VREF 680 T

Paper Makers and Paper Mills

The William Parks Paper Mill at Williamsburg, by Goodwin, Rutherfoord. Washington and Lee University, Lexington, Virginia: Journalism Laboratory Press, 1939. VREF 676 G

“Interpretations”, by O’Toole, Dennis. Colonial Williamsburg: The Journal of the Colonial Williamsburg Foundation, VII, No. 1, Autumn 1984, p. 18. VREF 975.5425 C

The Papermakers, by Fisher, Leonard Everett. Publisher: Watts, Colonial Craftsmen series. Pub date: 1965. J676 F

“The Papermakers,” pp. 132-136, in Colonial Craftsmen and the Beginnings of American Industry, by Tunis, Edwin. New York: Thomas Y. Crowell Company, 1965. VREF 680 T


The Peddlers, by Fisher, Leonard Everett. Publisher: Watts, Colonial Americans Series. Pub date: 1968. J973.2 F

Hawkers & Walkers in Early America, Strolling Peddlers, Preachers, Lawyers, Doctors, Players, and Others, From the Beginning to the Civil War, by Wright, Richardson Little. Publisher: J.B. Lippincott Company, 1927. VREF 973 W 1927


“The Pewterer”, pp. 72-76, Colonial Craftsmen and the Beginnings of American Industry, by Tunis, Edwin. New York: Thomas Y. Crowell Company, 1965. VREF 680 T

Pewter Marks of the World, by D. Stara. New York: Hamlyn Publishing Group Limited, 1977. REF 739.5 S

A Directory of American Silver, Pewter and Silver Plate, by Kovel, Ralph M. & Terry H. New York: Crown Publishers, Inc., 1966. REF 739.2 K

Pewter in America: Its Makers & Their Marks, by Laughlin, Ledlie Irwin. Barre, Massachusetts: Barre Publishers, 1971. REF 739.5 L

Old Pewter: Its Makers and Marks: in England, Scotland and Ireland: An Account of the Old Pewterer & His Craft, by Cotterell, Howard Herschel. Rutland, Vermont: Charles E. Tuttle Company, 1963. VREF 739.5 C


The Government of Virginia in the Seventeenth Century, by Thomas J. Wertenback. Williamsburg, Va.: Virginia 350th Anniversary Celebration Corporation, 1957. VREF 975.5 S No. 16

“English America’s First Capitol,” by John Hemphill. Colonial Williamsburg: The Journal of the Colonial Williamsburg Foundation, X, No. 1, Autumn 1987, pp. 5-13. VREF 975.5425 C

“Margaret Brent, the Woman Ruler of Maryland, 1650,” in Dames and Daughters of Colonial Days, by Geraldine Brooks. New York; Thomas Crowell & Co. Publishers, 1900. VREF 920.72 B 1900


“The Potter” pp. 119-122, in Colonial Craftsmen and the Beginnings of American Industry, by Tunis, Edwin. New York: Thomas Y. Crowell Company, 1965. VREF 680 T

Pottery and Porcelain in Colonial Williamsburg’s Archaeological Collections, by Ivor Noel Hume. Williamsburg, Va.: Colonial Williamsburg, Inc., 1969. VREF 738 N

The Potters, by Fisher, Leonard Everett. Publisher: Watts, Colonial Americans Series, 1969. J666.3 F

Printers (see also Bookbinders)

The Printer in Eighteenth-Century Williamsburg: An Account of His Life and Times, His Office and His Craft, by the Colonial Williamsburg Foundation. Williamsburg, Va.: Colonial Williamsburg, 1978. VREF 680 C

“The Colonial Printer, Man of Many Parts: Also Postmaster, Publisher, Purveyor of Goods, He Strove to Make an Honest Penny”, by James Cox. Colonial Williamsburg: The Journal of the Colonial Williamsburg Foundation, XI, No. 1, Autumn 1988, pp. 22-32. VREF 975.5425 C

The Printers, by Leonard Everett Fisher. Tarrytown, N. Y.: Benchmark Books, 1965. J 655 F

The German Press of the Shenandoah Valley, by Dolmetsch, Christopher L. Columbia, S.C.: Camden House, Inc., 1984. VREF 655.1755 D

“Printers and the Printing Trade,” pp. 313-314, Women in Early America, by Dorothy A. Mays. Pub: ABC-CLIO, Inc. 2004. VREF 305.409M 2004

A Day in the Life of a Colonial Printer, by Kathy Wilmore. Publisher: Power Kids Press, 2000. J686.2 W 2000

A Colonial Printer, by Jon Zonderman. Publisher: Rourke Book Co., 1994. J686.2 Z 1994

The Colonial Printer, by Wroth, Lawrence C. Portland, Maine: Dominion Books, 1938. VREF 655.173 W


“Sawyers” pp. 26, Colonial Craftsmen and the Beginnings of American Industry, by Tunis, Edwin. New York: Thomas Y. Crowell Company, 1965. VREF 680 T


Going to School in 1776, by John J. Loeper. New York, NY: Atheneum Macmillan Publishing Company, 1973. VREF 370.973 L

The Schoolmasters, by Fisher, Leonard Everett. Publisher: Watts, 1967. 1997 ed. pub. by Marshall Cavendish as part of Colonial Craftsmen series. J371.1 F


“History in a Capsule”, by Virginia Waller Davis. Virginia Record, Volume LXXIX, No. 6, June 1957, pp. 10-11. VREF 975.505 V

Some Notes on Shipbuilding and Shipping in Colonial Virginia, by Cerinda W. Evans. Williamsburg, Va.: Virginia 350th Anniversary Celebration Corporation, 1957. VREF 975.5 S No. 22

Chesapeake Bay in the American Revolution. Edited by Eller, Ernest McNeill. Centreville, Md.: Tidewater Publishers, 1981. VREF 973.3 C

Tobacco Coast: A Maritime History of Chesapeake Bay in the Colonial Era, by Middleton, Arthur Pierce. Newport News, Va.: The Mariners’ Museum, 1953. VREF 975.518 M 1984

A Day in the Life of a Colonial Shipwright, by Laurie Krebs. New York, NY: PowerKids Press, 2004. J 623.8 K 2004

A Day in the Life of a Colonial Sailmaker, by Laurie Krebs. Publisher: PowerKids Press, 2004. J623.862 K 2004

A Goodly Ship: the Building of the Susan Constant, by Spectre, Peter H. and Larkin, David. Boston: Houghton Mifflin Co., 1992. 975.5424 S 1992

“The Shipwrights,” pp. 111-116, in Colonial Craftsmen and the Beginnings of American Industry, by Tunis, Edwin. New York: Thomas Y. Crowell Company, 1965. VREF 680 T

The Shipbuilders, by Fisher, Leonard Everett. Publisher: Watts, 1971. J623.822 F

Ship Captains

“Where in the World is Williamsburg? The Art of Navigation—A Thing of Chance in this Year of 1770”, by Duncan Stewart, Captain. Colonial Williamsburg: The Journal of the Colonial Williamsburg Foundation, XI, No. 4, Summer 1989, pp. 43-47. VREF 975.5425 C

A Day in the Life of a Colonial Sea Captain, by J. L. Branse. Publisher: PowerKids Press, 2002. J639.28 B 2002


“Shoemakers”, pp. 9, Colonial Crafts, by Kalman, Bobbie. Publisher: Crabtree, c1992. VREF 680 K 1992

“The Shoemaker,” pp. 105-108, Colonial Craftsmen and the Beginnings of American Industry, by Tunis, Edwin. New York: Thomas Y. Crowell Company, 1965. VREF 680 T

The Shoemakers, by Leonard Everett Fisher. Colonial Craftsmen Series. New York: Benchmark Books, 1998. J 685 F

Shopkeepers and Merchants

Over the Counter and On the Shelf: Country Storekeeping in America, 1620-1920, by Laurence A. Johnson. New York: Bonanza Books, 1961. VREF 658.874 J 1961

“Colonial Williamsburg Craft Shops” by Sircom, Alicia. Commonwealth, Volume XXII, No. 4, April 1955, pp. 15-16. VREF 917.55

“Shopkeepers and Merchants”, pp. 358-361, Women in Early America, by Dorothy A. Mays. Pub: ABC-CLIO, Inc. 2004. VREF 305.409M 2004


“Silversmiths” pp. 21, Colonial Crafts, by Kalman, Bobbie. Publisher: Crabtree, 1992. VREF 680 K 1992

The Silversmith in Eighteenth-Century Williamsburg: An Account of His Life & Times, & of His Craft. Williamsburg: Colonial Williamsburg, 1980. VREF 680 C

The Colonial Silversmith: His Techniques and His Products, by Henry J. Kauffman. Publisher: Nelson, 1969. VREF 739.2 K

The Silversmiths, by Leonard Everett Fisher. Publisher: Watts, Colonial Craftsmen series, 1964. J739.2F

Chapter XI, “The Saga of Silver,” The Old and the Quaint in Virginia, by Georgia Dickinson Wardlaw. Richmond, Virginia: The Dietz Press, 1939. VREF 975.5 W260

A Century of Silver 1750-1850, A Loan Exhibition Organized by the Associates of the Corcoran Gallery of Art, 1966. VREF 739.2 A

Mount Vernon Silver, by Kathryn C. Buhler. Mount Vernon, Virginia: The Mount Vernon Ladies’ Association of the Union, 1958. VREF 739.2 B

The Silversmiths of Virginia (Together with Watchmakers and Jewelers) from 1694-1850, by George Barton Cutten. Richmond, Virginia: The Dietz Press, Incorporated, 1952. VREF 739.2 C

English Silver at Williamsburg, by John D. Davis. Williamsburg, Virginia: The Colonial Williamsburg Foundation, 1976. VREF 739.2 C

American Silversmiths and Their Marks, by Stephen G. C. Ensko. New York: Dover Publications, Inc., 1983. VREF 739.2 E 1983

A Silver Collectors’ Glossary and a List of Early American Silversmiths and Their Marks, by Hollis French. New York: Da Capo Press, 1967. VREF 739.2 F

A Directory of American Silver, Pewter and Silver Plate, by Kovel, Ralph M. and Terry H. New York: Crown Publishers, Inc. VREF 739.2 K

A Day in the Life of a Colonial Silversmith, by Kathy Wilmore. New York: The Rosen Publishing Group’s PowerKids Press, 2000. VREF 739.2 W 2000

Church Silver of Colonial Virginia, An Exhibition Organized By the Virginia Museum. Richmond, Virginia: Virginia Museum, 1970. VREF 739.23 V 1970

“Colonial Silver and Silversmiths” by Harold Gill. Virginia Cavalcade, Volume XIX, No. 3, pp. 4-13. Richmond, Virginia: Virginia State Library, winter 1970. VREF 975.505 V


Virginia Colonial Militia, 1651-1776, by William Armstrong Crozier. Publisher: Genealogical Pub, 1965. VREF 929.3755 CROZ

Virginia’s Colonial Soldiers, by Lloyd DeWitt Bockstruck. Publisher: Genealogical Pub. Co., 1988. VREF 973.3455 B 1988

A Day in the Life of a Colonial Soldier, by J. L. Branse. Publisher: PowerKids Press, 2002. J973.331 B 2002


Little Book of Early American Crafts and Trades, by Stockham, Peter, ed. New York: Dover Publications, 1976. VREF 680 L

“Textile Industry”, pp. 394-397, Women in Early America, by Dorothy A. Mays. Pub: ABC-CLIO, Inc. 2004. VREF 305.409M 2004.


Drawing the Line: How Mason and Dixon Surveyed the Most Famous Border in America, by Edwin Danson. New York: John Wiley and Sons, 2001. 974.8 D 2001

Footprints from the Old Survey Books: Of Halifax & Pittsylvania Counties in Virginia, by Roger C. Dodson. Lynchburg, Virginia: Pittsylvania Historical Society, 1989. VREF 929.3755 HALI

The Mason and Dixon Line: Story for a Bicentenary, 1763-1963, by Hubertis M. Cummings. Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, 1962. VREF 974.8 C 1962

Walkin’ the Line: A Journey from Past to Present along the Mason-Dixon, by William Ecenbarger. New York: M. Evans and Company, Inc., 2000. VREF 974.8 E 2000

Surveyors & Statesmen, by Hughes, Sarah S. Richmond, Virginia: The Virginia Surveyors Foundation, Ltd. And The Virginia Association of Surveyors, Ltd., 1979. VREF 526.9 H

A Day in the Life of a Colonial Surveyor, by Amy French Merrill. Publisher: PowerKids Press, 2002. J526.9 M 2002


Tanners and Leatherworkers

The Leatherworker in Eighteenth-Century Williamsburg, Williamsburg Craft Series. Published by Colonial Williamsburg, Williamsburg, VA, 1973. VREF 680 C

The Tanners, by Leonard Everett Fisher. Publisher: Watts, Colonial Craftsmen series, 1966. J675.2 F

“Tanning”, pp. 29-30; Science and Technology in Colonial America, by William E. Burns. Publisher: Greenwood Press, 2005. 609.73 B 2005

“The Tanner and Currier”, pp. 32-34, Colonial Craftsmen and the Beginnings of American Industry by Tunis, Edwin. New York: Thomas Y. Crowell Company, 1965. VREF 680 T

Taverns and Innkeepers

“Tavern Keepers and Innkeepers,” pp. 389-391, Women in Early America, by Dorothy A. Mays. Pub: ABC-CLIO, Inc. 2004. VREF 305.409M 2004.

The Colonial Williamsburg Tavern Cookbook, by Charles Pierce and John R. Gonzales. New York: Clarkson Potter Publishers in association with Williamsburg: Colonial Williamsburg Foundation, 2001. VREF 641.5 C 2001

“The Rebirth of Shields Tavern: Using 20th Century Technology to Recreate 18th Century Ambiance”, by Mark R. Wenger. Colonial Williamsburg: The Journal of the Colonial Williamsburg Foundation, XI, No. 3, Spring 1989, pp. 8-17. VREF 975.5425 C

Early American Taverns: for the Entertainment of Friends and Strangers, by Kym S. Rice. New York: Sons of the Revolution in the State of New York, Inc., 1983. VREF 647.95 R 1983

A Day in the Life of a Colonial Innkeeper, by Kathy Wilmore. Publisher: PowerKids Press, 2000. J647.94 W 2000

See the following website for colonial taverns that are now open:


“Teachers,” pp. 391-393, Women in Early America, by Dorothy A. Mays. Pub: ABC-CLIO, Inc. 2004. VREF 305.409M 2004.

Reading, Writing and Arithmetic in Virginia, 1607-1699: Other Cultural Topics, by Susie M. Ames. Williamsburg, Virginia: Virginia 350th Anniversary Celebration Corporation, 1957. VREF 975.5 S No. 15

A History of Education in Virginia, by Cornelius Jacob Heatwole. New York: The Macmillan Company, 1916. VRARE 379.755 H

A Day in the Life of a Colonial Schoolteacher, by Kathy Wimore. New York: PowerKids Press, 2000. J 370.973 W 2000

“Founding of the College of William and Mary”, by Kale Wilford. Colonial Williamsburg: The Journal of the Colonial Williamsburg Foundation, VII, No. 2, Winter 1985, pp. 24-27. VREF 975.5425 C

“Thou Earliest College”, by J. E. Morpungo. Colonial Williamsburg: The Journal of the Colonial Williamsburg Foundation, XV, No. 2, Winter 1992-93, pp. 12-17. VREF 975.5425 C

Parish Education in Colonial Virginia, by Guy Fred Wells. Arno Press, New York, 1969. VREF 377.5 W

Theaters and Actors

“Let the Entertainment Begin: Living Theater from Drury Lane to Colonial Williamsburg”, by Charles Eugene Bush. Colonial Williamsburg: The Journal of the Colonial Williamsburg Foundation, IX, No. 1, Autumn 1986, pp. 20-24. VREF 975.5425 C

“Debut of Fairbooth Theatre: After 218 Years Players Return to Palace Green”, by John Hamant. Colonial Williamsburg: The Journal of the Colonial Williamsburg Foundation, XI, No. 1, Autumn 1988, pp. 19-21. VREF 975.5425 C

“Theater,” pp. 397-400, Women in Early America, by Dorothy A. Mays. Pub: ABC-CLIO, Inc. 2004. VREF 305.409M 2004.

The Theater in Colonial America, by Hugh F. Rankin. Chapel Hill: The University of North Carolina Press, 1965. Available at the Arlington Public Library Center for Local History, VA 792.0973

Tinkers/ Tinsmiths/Whitesmiths

“The Whitesmith”, pp. 65-70, Colonial Craftsmen and the Beginnings of American Industry, by Tunis, Edwin. New York: Thomas Y. Crowell Company, 1965. VREF 680 T

Tobacco Farmers and Tobacconists

Agriculture in Virginia, 1607-1699, by Lyman Carrier. Williamsburg, Va.: Virginia 350th Anniversary Celebration Corporation, 1957. VREF 975.5 S No. 14

Tobacco, Tobacco Hogsheads and Rolling Roads in Northern Virginia, by Charles E. Gage. Falls Church, Va.: Falls Church Historical Commission, 1959. VREF 975.52 G

The Colonial Harvest and Ships, by Melvin A. Conant. Great Falls, Va.: Great Falls Historical Society, 1982. VREF 975.5 C 1982

Tobacco Culture: the Mentality of the Great Tidewater Planters on the Eve of Revolution, by T. H. Breen. Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press, 1985. VREF 975.5 B

Tobacco in Colonial Virginia: “The Sovereign Remedy”, by Melvin Herndon. Williamsburg, VA: Virginia 350th Anniversary Celebration Committee, 1957. VREF 975.5 S No. 20

“The Tobacconist”, pp. 52-54, Colonial Craftsmen and the Beginnings of American Industry by Edwin Tunis. New York: Thomas Y. Crowell Company, 1965. VREF 680 T

“Chapter IX. The Labor System of Colonial Virginia”, in Colonial Virginia, by Julian Chandler, 1907. VREF 975.5 C


“The Wainwright and the Coachmaker”, pp. 93-97, in Colonial Craftsmen and the Beginnings of American Industry, by Edwin Tunis. New York: Thomas Y. Crowell Company, 1965. VREF 680 T


“The Weavers,” pp. 101-105, Colonial Craftsmen and the Beginnings of American Industry, by Edwin Tunis. New York: Thomas Y. Crowell Company, 1965. VREF 680 T

The Textile Tools of Colonial Homes, by Marion L. Channing. Channing Books, Marion, Massachusetts, 1971. VREF 677 C

The Weavers, by Leonard Everett Fisher. Publisher: Watts, Colonial Craftsmen series, 1966. J677 F

Wet Nurses


“The Wheelwright”, pp. 15, Colonial Crafts, by Bobbie Kalman. Publisher: Crabtree, 1992. VREF 680 K 1992

Wigmakers (see also Barbers and Wigmakers)

The Wigmaker in Eighteenth-Century Williamsburg: An Account of His Barbering, Hairdressing, and Peruke-Making Services, and Some Remarks on Wigs of Various Styles, by Colonial Williamsburg. Williamsburg, Va.: Colonial Williamsburg, 1979. VREF 680 C

The Wigmakers, by Leonard Everett Fisher. Publisher: Watts, Colonial Craftsmen series, 1965. J679 F

A Day in the Life of a Colonial Wigmaker, by Kathy Wilmore. Publisher: PowerKids Press, 2000. J679 W 2000

Fairfax County seal