We'd love to answer your questions, and hear your comments and suggestions. Please send us an email at 3Dprinting@fairfaxcounty.gov.
Curious about the status of your print? Please call your pickup branch to speak with staff there:
- Centreville: 703-830-2223
- Chantilly: 703-502-3883
- Culmore (Woodrow Wilson): 703-820-8774
- George Mason: 703-256-3800
- Herndon: 703-437-8855
- Kingstowne: 703-339-4610
- Martha Washington: 703-768-6700
- Oakton: 703-242-4020
- Pohick: 703-644-7333
- Reston: 703-689-2700
- Richard Byrd: 703-451-8055
- Sherwood: 703-765-3645
- Thomas Jefferson: 703-573-1060
- Tysons Pimmit: 703-790-8088