What is LEAP?
All students (PreK-12) in Fairfax County Public Schools (FCPS) have LEAP accounts at FCPL. These public library virtual accounts allow students to check out up to three items at a time for six weeks each (no renewals).
Why is LEAP awesome?
- A student only needs their name, not a physical library card, to check out materials.
- LEAP accounts never charge fines or fees.
- A student can have a LEAP account as well as a standard library account (application online and in library branches). Standard accounts allow users to place holds on materials and access FCPL digital resources such as eBooks and databases.
How did LEAP happen?
LEAP began as a pilot in one school pyramid in 2019. FCPL and FCPS launched this program as a partnership to ensure that students would have access to library materials even if they don't have a traditional library card, or if that card has been blocked due to fines.
How can I find out more?
Ask a teacher or librarian at your school, or call or visit any FCPL location.