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Genealogical databases, websites, and bibliographies to aid users in the pursuit of their family history and origins. Last Updated: Mar 12, 2025 5:04 PM

English and Welsh Genealogy Materials

English and Welsh genealogy and related materials in the Reference Collection of the Virginia Room of the Fairfax County Public Library system.

Introduction and General Guides

In Search of Your British & Irish Roots Baxter, A., Genealogical Publishing Co., Inc., 1999 VREF 929.342 BAXT
The author begins with step-by-step instructions on drawing up a family tree and explains how to use sources close at hand. He then discusses family history societies, record offices, and other organizations, as well as visiting record repositories in Britain or Ireland.

The Complete Guide to Creating Your Own Family Tree Blake, P. and Collins, A., Foulsham, 2006 VREF 929.342 BLAK
This is an excellent, profusely illustrated primer for those interested specifically in their family’s English records.

The Dictionary of Genealogy Fitzhugh, T. V. H., A & C Black, 1994 VREF 929.342 FITZ
Arranged alphabetically, this reference tool provides an extensive glossary of all terms that are encountered in British genealogy research. Illustrations provide recognition of relevant documents in English and Latin.

The A-Z Guide to Tracing Ancestors in Britain Saul, P. & Markwell, F. C., Genealogical Publishing Co., Inc., 1985 VREF 929.342 SAUL
This is a highly useful reference work containing definitions, explanations, bibliographies, sources, addresses, and signposts pointing to every topic of interest to the family historian.

Everyone Has Roots Camp, A. J., Genealogical Publishing Co., Inc., 1978 VREF 929.342 CAMP
Intended for the beginning user of English genealogical records, this book describes their origins and present-day applications. Although represented as comprehensive, users should note that it pre-dates the internet.

English Genealogy Wagner, A. R., Oxford, 1972 VREF 929.342 WAGN
From an account of English history in terms of families and their genealogies, the book discusses the source material used by English genealogists and the history, literature, and method of their art.

How to Trace Your Family Tree in England, Ireland, Scotland and Wales Chater, K., Anness Publishing, 2006 VREF 929.342 CHAT
This very well illustrated volume provides an excellent introduction to genealogy, including the identification of useful computer sites.

Ancestral Trails Herber, M., Genealogical Publishing Co., 2005 VREF 929.342 HERB
The early chapters of this book help beginners to take their first steps by dealing with such matters as obtaining information from relatives, drawing family trees, and starting research into vital records and census records. Later chapters guide researchers on where and how to find wills, civil and ecclesiastical court records, and other more difficult to find documents.

Your English Ancestry – A Guide for North Americans Irvine, S., Ancestry, 1998 VREF 929.342 IRVI
This book lays out the fundamentals, then discusses such areas as civil registrations, censuses, church records, wills occupations, and the justice system. Users should note the date of the book which cannot address computerization methods.

Discovering Your English Ancestors Milner, P. and Jonas, L., Betterway Books, 2000 VREF 929.342 MILN
This book claims to provide a well-rounded perspective, showing what records are needed and where to find them, telling why they were created and how they can reveal more about your ancestor's lives.

Tracing Your Family Tree Colwell, S., Faber, and Faber, 1984 VREF 929.342 COLW
This is a well-written introductory guide that, however, was issued before the advent of the computer as a tool in research.

Handy Tips to Your Genealogy Research in England and Wales VREF 929.342 HAND
This short undated guide covers civil registrations, parish registers, census records, etc. Probably outdated, it may contain material of some continued value.

Tracing Your Family History Colwell, S., Hodder & Stoughton, 1997 VREF 929.342 COLW
By the same author as the volume above, this book is also well written but published too early to address the computer as a research tool.

A Beginner’s Guide to British Reference Works Wuehler, A., Heritage Quest, 2002 VREF 929.342 WUEH
This book contains brief orienting information about the main British record sources and identifies reference works of most use to beginners.

Emigration to America

The Complete Book of Emigrants 1607 — 1776 - 4 volumes Coldham, P. W., Genealogical Publishing Co., 1987 to 1993 VREF 929.342 COLD
Working from Chancery and Exchequer records, plus criminal court and indenture records of persons transported to the colonies, this work is an ambitious attempt to account for all emigrants to the New World from Britain up to 1776.

British Origins of American Colonists, 1629-1775 Dollarhide, W., Heritage Quest Genealogical Services, 1997 VREF 929.342 DOLL
This booklet describes four migration groups from England in terms of their folkways including religion, naming practices, and inheritance ways. A brief historical background of each group is given, with reasons for their moving to America. The groups are East Anglian Puritans to New England; West Country Cavaliers and Servants to the Chesapeake, North Midland Quakers to the Delaware Valley, and the Scotch-Irish to the American backwoods.

A List of Emigrant Ministers to America 1690 - 1811 Fothergill, G., Genealogical Publishing Company, 1965 VREF 929.342 FOTH
This book consists of a listing from the Treasury money book of bounties paid to Church of England ministers to defray their costs of passage to America.

Child Apprentices in America Coldham, P. W., Genealogical Publishing Co., 1990 VREF 929.3421 COLD
This book identifies inmates of the Christ Hospital orphanage who were sent to the American colonies to work as apprentices during the 17th and 18th centuries.

Emigrants from England 1773 — 1776 Fothergill, G., Genealogical Publishing Co., Inc., 1976 VREF 929.342 FOTH
This volume consists of emigrant lists discovered by the author in the Public Records Office, London. Most of approx. 6,000 names were travelers to what is today the U.S., with a minority going to the Caribbean.

Bristol and America 1654 — 1685 Hargreaves-Mawdsley, Genealogical Publishing Co., 1978 VREF 929.342 HARG
Transcribed from a record labeled Servants to Foreign Plantations, the record lists more than 10,000 settlers who departed from Bristol during those years. As Virginia had a monopoly of the Virginia trade then, this list names practically everyone who left for Virginia, Maryland, or the West Indies during those years.

The Fulham Papers in the Lambeth Palace Library Manross, W. W., Clarendon Press, 1965 VREF 929.342 MANR
The correspondence of the Bishop of London with the American colonies is a basic source of information about the church at this time and colonial history generally.

The Original Lists of Persons of Quality 1600 — 1700 Hotten, J. H., editor, Genealogical Publishing Co., 1986 VREF 929.342 HOTT
This reprint of a work published in 1874 provides information for those who left Britain for America including their names, ages, where they lived in Britain, the names of the ships on which they sailed, and other particulars.

Immigrants to America Appearing in English Records Smith, F., Everton Publisher, Inc., 1976 VREF 929.342 SMIT
This book contains references to 948 immigrants extracted from a wide variety of documents in England.

Convicts and Indentured Servants to America

(See also The Complete Book of Emigrants 1607 — 1776 above, which includes convicts and indentured servants as well as other emigrants.)

The Complete Book of Emigrants in Bondage 1614 — 1775; Supplement; More Emigrants in Bondage Coldham, P. W., Genealogical Publishing Co., 1988, 1992 and 2002 VREF 929.342 COLD
Between 1614 and 1775, about 50,000 English were sentenced to deportation to the American colonies for a variety of crimes. Working with a large variety of records, the author gives their names and the sources from which additional information might be derived.

British Emigrants in Bondage, 1614-1798 Coldham, P. W., Genealogical Publishing Co., 2004 VREF 929.342 CD-ROM COLD
See above.

Original Lists of Emigrants in Bondage from London to the American Colonies 1719 — 1744 VREF 929.342 KAMI
This book lists 7283 malefactors named in the Treasury Money Books, for whom money was paid to contractors to defray the costs of feeding, clothing, and transporting to America.

English Convicts in Colonial America - 2 volumes Coldham, P. W., Polyanthos, 1974 and 1976 VREF 929.342 COLD
These volumes list separately by name those convicts transported from England to America up to 1775 from London and Middlesex.

Emigrants in Chains Coldham, P. W., Genealogical Publishing Co., 1992 VREF 929.342 COLD
This book focuses on the use of transportation as a means of dealing with an unwanted population, detailing the processes involved, those administering the system, or engaged in transportation as a business. Also considered are the transported including their careers and reception in the colonies.

List of Emigrants to America from Liverpool 1697 – 1707 French, E., translator, Genealogical Publishing Co., 1978 VREF 929.342 LIST
The listing of 1,500 names shows to who each was indentured and the period of years for which they were bound.

The King’s Passengers to Maryland & Virginia Coldham, P. W., Family Line Publications, 1997 VREF 929.342 COLD
The first section of this book is a chronological list of all convict passengers known to have been transported to Maryland or Virginia. The second section consists of those advertised as “runaways” in 18th c. newspapers of Maryland, Va, and Penn. The third section is devoted to the case histories of some English felons.

The Bristol Registers of Servants Sent to Foreign Plantations 1654 – 1686 Coldham, P. W., Genealogical Publishing Co., 1988 VREF 929.342 COLD
In the mid-17th century, Bristol enjoyed a monopoly of the trade with Virginia and the West Indies with trade-in indentured servants an important part. In 1654, to control fraud in the trade, a register was kept of servants destined for the colonies. These records are the largest body of indenture records known.

Bonded Passengers to America – 3 volumes Coldham, P. W., Genealogical Publishing Co., 1983 VREF 929.342 COLD
After providing a history of felony transportation these volumes, arranged by the British region, identify those transported, dates of transportation, and where sent.

A List of Emigrants from England to America 1682-1692 Ghirelli, M., Magna Carta Book Company, 1968 VREF 929.342 GHIR
This book lists early emigrants to the American and West Indian Colonies, extracted from records in the Lord Mayor's Waiting Books at the London Records Office. Mostly, they are young people who departed as indentured servants.

A List of Emigrants from England to America 1718-1759 Kaminkow, J. and M., Magna Carta Book Company, 1966 VREF 929.342 KAMI
Covering later years, this book is similar in form and content to the above title. All persons listed were indentured servants.

British Deportees to America: 1768 -1769 Smith, C. N., Westland Publications, 1986 VREF 929.342 SMIT
This booklet names the persons exiled to the colonies, principally Maryland, with descriptions of their crimes and the court judgments.

Emigrants to America: Indentured Servants Recruited in London 1718-1733 Wareing, J., Genealogical Publishing Co., Inc., 1985 VREF 929.342 WARE
This volume starts with a description of the indenture system, followed by an alphabetic listing of persons who voluntarily contracted as shown in the source register.

Welsh Genealogy

In Search of Welsh Ancestry Hamilton-Edwards, G., Genealogical Publishing Co., Inc, 1986 VREF 929.342 HAMI
The background of Welsh history and geography so far as they affected social life is explained, especially as regards the survival of patronymics to the early 19th century. A chapter deals with Welsh Christian names and surnames.

Second Stages in Researching Welsh Ancestry Rowlands, J. & S., editors, Genealogical Publishing Co., Inc., 1999 VREF 929.342 SECO
This book containing contributions by experts in different fields covers such areas as aspects of community life, occupations, surnames, old documents, maps, estate records, and family histories. The book attempts, in particular, to broaden the understanding for periods before 1800.

The Parish Churches and Nonconformist Chapels of Wales: Their Records and Where to Find Them – volume 1 Rawlins, B. J., Celtic Heritage Research, 1987 VREF 929.342 RAWL
This volume provides assistance to researchers whose ancestors belonged to churches other than the established church in Cardiganshire, Carmarthen, and Pembrokeshire.

Americans from Wales Hartmann, E. G., Christopher Publishing House, 1967 Hartmann, E. G., Christopher Publishing House, 1967 VREF 929.342 HART
After an introductory chapter about Wales and its history, the book discusses: Welsh colonial settlements; the 19th c. immigration and the settlements established; religious life; cultural life including uniquely Welsh institutions; Welsh societies; and Welsh newspapers and periodicals. The author also analyzes the contribution to America of the Welsh, providing a biographical listing of several hundred distinguished Welsh-Americans.


Family Records Burke, A. P., Heraldic Publishing Co., Inc., 1965 VREF 929.342 BURK
This reprint of an undated work circa 1900 provides family trees of noble and gentry families including coats of arms.

Magna Carta Barons and their American Descendants Browning, C. D., Clearfield Company, 1969 VREF 929.342 BROW
Intended for those who believe they are descended from barons who secured the Magna Charta from King John, this reprint provides genealogical information about those lords.

The Magna Charta Sureties Weis, F. L., Genealogical Publishing Co., 1999 VREF 929.342 MAGN
This work, in its fifth edition, pertains to The Barons Named in the Magna Charta, and Some of Their Descendants Who Settled in America During the Early Colonial Years.

The Ancestry of Richard Plantagenet and Cecily de Neville Kraentzler, E. F., 1978 VREF 929.342 KRAE
This privately printed work consists of extensive pedigree charts for this royal line.

The Norman People and their Existing Descendants in the British Dominions and the United States Genealogical Publishing Co., 1975 VREF 929.342 NORM
This reprint of a work published in 1874 provides background history of the Normans and gives family names of Norman derivation obtained from the London post office directory.

European Records

Tracing Your Ancestors in the National Archives Bevan, A., The National Archives, 2006 VREF 929.342 BEVA
This publication of the British National Archives provides comprehensive information on the collection of its records and how the data can be accessed, including detailed guidance on the use of the archive's extensive websites and catalogs.

Genealogical Resources in English Repositories Moulton, J. W., Hampton House, 1988 VREF 929.342 MOUL
This volume provides information on resources in the key repositories of England, categorizing manuscript records and other materials according to content and dates. It indicates the sources most likely to contain information within a given time period.

Genealogical Research in England’s Public Record Office: A Guide for North Americans
Reid, J. P., Genealogical Publishing Co., Inc., 1996 VREF 929.342 REID
Chapters of this book cover the following: when to use the public records office (PRO), and why; the PRO facilities; using PRO finding aids; emigration and immigration; censuses, vital records, military, and other records.

Record Repositories in Great Britain The Royal Commission on Historical Manuscripts, Her Majesty’s Stationery Office, 1979 VREF 929.342
This small booklet provides names and addresses of various institutions of interest to genealogists, including national record offices and libraries, local record offices and libraries, university and special libraries, and archives.

Tracing your Ancestors in the Public Record Office Cox, J. and Padfield, T., Her Majesty’s Stationery Office, 1981 VREF 929.342 COX
This official British publication provides detailed information for researchers searching records in repositories in or near London. Users are cautioned that much may have changed since publication in 1981.

An Overview of Research in Britain — Methods and Sources Simpson, E., Columbine Genealogical & Historical Society, Inc., 1982 VREF 929.342 SIMP
This is a transcription of a lecture delivered in 1982 for those performing research in person or by correspondence in the English County Record Offices. The caution in the above entry applies here as well.

The Registers of Allerton Mauleverer and Askhamrichard, County York Slingsby, F. W., Heritage Books, Inc., 1995 VREF 929.342 SLIN
This reprint of a work published in 1908 begins with marriages in 1557, baptisms in 1562, and burials in 1564.

Manorial Records Stuart, D., Phillimore, 1992 VREF 929.342 STUA
The manor was for centuries the main unit of local government and virtually the only source of written local records. After the researcher goes beyond the early 16th century, manorial records remain the best hope for further information.

Wills and Probate Records Grannum, K. & Taylor, N., The National Archives, 2009 VREF 929.342 TAYL
This guide shows how to get the most from wills and related records including those scattered in church courts before central registration was introduced in 1858. Case studies and wills of historical celebrities are presented for instruction and interest.

Genealogical Manuscripts in British Libraries Kaminkow, M. J., Magna Carta Book Company, 1967 VREF 929.342 KAMI
This book indicates the types of genealogical manuscripts that exist and wherein Great Britain and Ireland they can be found.

English Wills Walne, P., The Virginia State Library, 1964 VREF 929.342 WALN
This booklet describes English probate procedures. As the author indicates, only the wills of persons dying in the colonies or at sea who left the property in England or Wales fell under English probate jurisdiction.

Migration Records: A Guide for Family Historians Kershaw, R., National Archives, 2009 VREF 929.342 KERS
This book describes and illustrates the wide variety of records in the British National Archives that are available for research at Kew, Richmond, in Surrey.

Census-The Expert Guide Christian, P. and Annal, D., The National Archives, 2008 VREF 929.342 CHRI
This volume helps the user in working with the British censuses beginning in 1841 up to the census of 1911, which are available online.

The Great Landowners of Great Britain and Ireland Bateman, J., Leicester University Press, 1971 VREF 929.342 BATE
This reprint of a work first published in 1876, is derived from parliamentary papers related to the land question and the radical attack on great landowners who wielded large political and social influence.

Inventory of Church Records of the British Isles Jackson, R. V., et al, Accelerated Indexing Systems, Inc., 1976 VREF 929.342 ENCY
This volume provides the researcher a complete list of all known parish registers in Britain, including as many nonconformist registers as are available.

Genealogical Research in England and Wales - volumes 1 and 3 Smith, F. and Gardiner, D. E., Bookcraft, 1956 and 1966 VREF 929.342 GARD
Volume 1 provides an introduction to obtaining and using birth, death, marriage, and other records. Volume 3 covers old English handwriting, Latin, research standards, and procedures.

A Guide to Ancestral Research in London Dunn, P. B., Stevenson Publishing, 1987 VREF 929.3421 DUNN
After a summary of historic events affecting London history and research, this booklet provides guidance on such topics as determining an ancestor’s town or parish; using compiled sources; basic steps if the place of origin is not known; civil and church jurisdictions; etc.

Parish Records, A Handlist Corporation of London, 1966 VREF 929.3421 LOND
This booklet identifies Church of England registers in the custody of the Guildhall Library.

Researching English Parish Records and Researching English Probate Records – separate volumes Christensen, P., Heritage Productions, 2001 VREF 929.342 CHRIz
These companion volumes help users find and use information registers and uncover wills, inventories, guardianship, and other probate records.

Wills and Where to Find Them Gibson, J. S. W., Genealogical Publishing Co., Inc., 1974 VREF 929.342 GIBS
This guide enables the user to identify the different courts that might have had jurisdiction over a parish or area pre-1858.

A List of Wills, Administrations, etc. in the Public Record Office Magna Carta Book Company, 1968 VREF 929.342 LIST
The content of this book was derived from a listing compiled by a researcher in 1932 of will collections from the 12th to the 19th century. It is believed that all-important collections of wills are represented.

North American Wills Registered in London 1611 – 1857 Coldham, P. W., Genealogical Publishing Co., 2007 VREF 929.3421 COLD
This book identifies residents of North America whose wills provided for assets they owned in the mother country& to be passed on to others.

Key to the Ancient Parish Registers of England & Wales Burke, A. M., Genealogical Publishing Co., Inc., 1981 VREF 929.342 BURK
The objective of this work, first published in 1908, was to provide users of the Registers a reliable guide as to their accessibility. The book lists the parishes alphabetically along with their counties and the dates of the earliest entries.

Pre-1841 Censuses & Population Listings in the British Isles Chapman, C. R., Genealogical Publishing Co., Inc., 1990 VREF 929.342 CHAP
This booklet provides a chronological account of censuses and enumerations in the British Isles from 1086 to 1841.

The Parish Registers of Halifax, Co. Yorkshire - volume 2 Crossley, E. W., Heritage Books, Inc., 1995 VREF 929.342 CROS
This reprint of a work published in 1914 lists marriages and burials in the parish register between 1538 and 1593.


British Army Officers who served in the American Revolution Baule, S. M. and Gilbert, S., Heritage Books, 2004 VREF 929.342 BAUL
This book lists British Regular Army officers who served in North America including rank and date of commission. Where known, the information includes birthplace, years of birth and death, and other details.

British and German Deserters, Dischargees, and Prisoners of War who may have Remained in Canada and the US, 1774—1783; Deserters and Disbanded Soldiers from British, German and Loyalist Military Units in the South, 1782 Smith, C. N., Clearfield, 1991 VREF 929.342 SMIT
This booklet includes information about the operations of the units of the named individuals.

Army Service Records of the First World War Fowler, S. et al, PRO Publications, VREF 929.342 FOWL
Well illustrated with examples, this book shows the forms commonly found among the records, and how to search for awards of gallantry and of service. Also, it describes related material such as war diaries and maps. Case studies are included, two enlisted men and one officer.

In Search of the “Forlorn Hope” - 2 volumes plus Supplemental Section Kitzmiller, II, J. M., Manuscript Publishing Foundation, 1988 VREF 929.342 KITZ
This book provides guidance for those seeking to determine the regimental name and number in which their ancestor served from 1640 through WW I. Using that information, researchers can seek out military records that are available through the LDS church. The softbound Supplemental volume includes microfiche numbers for the underlying records.

Maps & Gazetteers

The Phillimore Atlas & Index of Parish Registers Humphrey-Smith, C. R., Phillimore, 2003 VREF 929.342 PHIL
This book includes highly detailed maps of England, Scotland, and Wales showing pre-1832 parochial boundaries, color-coded probate jurisdictions, starting dates of surviving registers, and churches and chapels, where relevant. Topographical maps face each parish map page, showing the contemporary road system and other local features. An index lists the parishes, with grid references to the county maps.

A Genealogical Gazetteer of England Smith, F., Genealogical Publishing Co., 1982 VREF 929.342 SMIT
This volume is an alphabetical dictionary of places with their location, ecclesiastical jurisdiction, population, and the date of the earliest entry in the registers of every ancient parish in England.


Family Ties in England, Scotland, Wales & Ireland Reid, J. P., Library of Congress, 1998 VREF 929.342 REID
This volume was prepared as an aid for researchers at the Library of Congress's Local History and Genealogy Room. The Library's holdings are second only to what has held for the U. S.

Sources for Research in English Genealogy Library of Congress, 1989 VREF 929.342 LIBR
This guide was prepared by the LOC as an aid to obtaining English genealogy information at the Library of Congress.

Various Titles – See Below Gibson, J, et al compiler, Genealogical Publishing Co., Inc., various dates VREF 929.342 GIBS
These booklets, some by Gibson alone and some in combination with other writers cover a wide range of records in Great Britain, as follows:
A Simplified Guide to Marriage, Census and Other Indexes in Great Britain
A Simplified Guide to Bishops' Transcripts and Marriage Licenses
Electoral Registers since 1832; and Burgess Rolls
Probate Jurisdictions: Where to Look for Wills
Quarter Sessions Records for Family Historians
Local Newspapers 1750 — 1920, A Select Location List
Unpublished Personal Name Indexes in Record Offices and Libraries
Census Returns 1841 — 1891 in Microfilm
Coroners' Records in England and Wales
Bishops' Transcripts and Marriage Licences, Bonds and Allegations
The Hearth Tax, Other Later Stuart Tax Lists, and Assn Oath Rolls\
Lists of Londoners
Local Census Listings 1522 — 1930
Poll Books c1696-1872
The Protestation Returns 1641 — 1642
Record Offices: How to Find Them
Marriage and Census Indexes for Family Historians
Militia Lists and Musters 1757 — 1876
Specialist Indexes for Family Historians

The British Plantations Association Oath Rolls - 1696 Gandy, W., Clearfield, 1993 VREF 929.342 ASSO
This booklet, a reprint of one published in 1922, gives the names of settlers in America and other British colonies who were required to take a special oath affirming their allegiance to William III.

English Adventurers and Emigrants, 1609 – 1660; 1661-1733; 1625-1777 Coldham, P. W., Genealogical Publishing Co., Inc., 1984-2002 VREF 929.342 COLD
These three volumes consist of abstracts of examinations in the Admiralty court that involve Colonial America. In addition to litigants, many who gave testimony before the court are identified.

British Aliens in the United States during the War of 1812 Scott, K., Clearfield, 1979 VREF 929.342 SCOT
Arranged by state and alphabetically by family, this book lists British subjects who were required to report themselves as enemy aliens.

The Passengers of the Mayflower in 1620 Shurtleff, N. B., 1847 VREF 929.342 SHUR
This is a photocopied extract from 1847 original in which the author reconstructed a list of passengers aboard the Mayflower with additional information as to their relationships and what befell them.

Foreigners Resident in England 1618 — 1688 Cooper, W. D., AMS Press, 1968 VREF 929.342 COOP
This reprint of a work published in 1862 identifies foreign Protestants and aliens in England including refugees who came as a result of the revocation of the edict of Nantes.

Sources for Roman Catholic and Jewish Genealogy and Family History Steel, D. J., Phillimore, 1974 VREF 929.342 STEE
This volume is of use to those interested in tracing the relatively small number of pre-19th Century Catholic families in Britain, with just a few pages devoted to records of the far smaller Jewish community.


The Genealogists’ Magazine Society of Genealogists Enterprises Ltd. VREF 929.342 GENE
Issues of the English genealogical magazine, bound and unbound, from 1955 to 2003.

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