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Scottish and Scots-Irish Genealogy Materials

Scottish and Scots-Irish genealogy and related materials in the Reference Collection of the Virginia Room of the Fairfax County Public Library system. Researchers might also consult the separate bibliography of Irish genealogy for material possibly pertinent to them.

Introduction and General Guides

Tracing Your Scottish Ancestry Cory, K. B., Genealogical Publishing Co., Inc., 2004 VREF 929.341 CORY
This book provides information and advice on research techniques and focuses on two principal record repositories— New Register House and the National Archives of Scotland. It includes chapters on family names, clans and tartans, heraldry, and records outside Edinburgh.

Tracing Your Scottish Ancestors Sinclair, C., Scottish Record Office, 1997 VREF 929.341 SINC
Designed for researchers who perform their research in Scotland, this book provides a survey of the material held in the Scottish Record Office.

Researching Scots-Irish Ancestors Roulston, W. J., Ulster Historical Foundation, 2010 VREF 929.341 ROUL
This volume identifies and explains the sources available for the period 1600-1800, including whereabouts of the records, how they may be accessed, and how they can be used most effectively.

A Genealogist’s Guide To Discovering Your Scottish Ancestors Jonas, L. and Milner, P., Betterway Books, 2002 VREF 929.341 JONA
This modern, step-by-step guide includes helpful guidance on the use of Internet resources.

Scottish Ancestry Irvine, S., Ancestry Publishing, 2003 VREF 929.341 IRVI
This reissue of a book first issued some years before was expressly prepared to acquaint users with the wealth of information available to genealogists on the Internet, including census reports, civil registrations, testamentary records, and Church of Scotland registers.

In Search Of Scottish Ancestry Hamilton-Edwards, G., Phillimore, 1972 VREF 929.341 HAMI
In addition to genealogists, this book is designed to be of use to historians, biographers, and sociologists. Published in 1972, it necessarily does not address the computerization of information since that time.

Scottish Roots James, A., Pelican Publishing Co., 1982 VREF 929.341 JAME
Like the above title, this guide was issued before the computer revolution, so that many of its recommendations may now be outdated.

Scottish Ancestry Research Whyte, D., Scotpress, 1984 VREF 929.341 WHYT
This brief guide contains useful information on such topics as surname origins, clans, and heraldry, but is out of date in providing help in research.

Emigration to America

Emigrants From Scotland To America 1774-1775 Cameron, V. R., Genealogical Publishing Co., Inc., 1976 VREF 929.341 CAME
Copied from papers in the London Public Record Office, the listings give emigrant names and ages, occupation and where bound. Particularly interesting, reasons for emigrating are shown.

The Scottish Settlers of America: The 17th and 18th Centuries Millett, S. M., Clearfield, 1996 VREF 929.341 MILL 1996
The separate chapters of the book cover: the Scottish homeland; the Scottish peoples; Scottish population and emigration; the pull of America; profiles of the immigrants; Scottish colonies before 1707; the Scottish settlements in the various areas of America; Scots in the American Revolution; and the author's conclusions.

A Dictionary of Scottish Emigrants to the U.S.A. - 2 volumes Whyte, D., Magna Carta Book Co., 1986 VREF 929.341 WHYT
Gathered from a wide variety of sources and arranged alphabetically, this book names and gives other known data for emigrants to America from Scotland for years before 1855.

Ulster Emigration to Colonial America 1718-1775 Dickson, R. J., Ulster Historical Foundation, 1988 VREF 929.341 DICK
The introduction describes this book as the first balanced and professional study of the entire emigration phenomenon, based on a carefully analytic approach.

Directory of Scottish Settlers in North America 1625-1825 - 8 volumes Dobson, D., Genealogical Publishing Co., Inc., 1985 VREF 929.341 DOBS
From documents in British archives and a few published sources, these volumes bring together the names of all Scots emigrants appearing in ship passenger lists before 1825.

The Original Scots Colonists of Early America 1612-1783 Dobson, D., Genealogical Publishing Co., Inc., 1989 VREF 929.3411 DOBS
Through research in record offices and archives throughout Britain, the author identified up to 23 points of information about 7,000 Scots out of the approximately 150,000 that emigrated to America before the Revolutionary War.

The Original Scots Colonists of Early America
---Supplement 1607-1707
---Caribbean Supplement 1611-1707
Dobson, D., Genealogical Publishing Co., Inc., 1998 and 1999 VREF 929.3411 DOBS
These two volumes expand on the information included in Dobson's original volume above.

Ships from Scotland to America 1628 -1828 - 3 volumes Dobson, D., Genealogical Publishing Co., Inc., 1998-2004 VREF 929.341 DOBS
This book identifies ships from Scotland to what is now the U.S. and Canada based on research into contemporary newspapers, government records, and published sources. The entries include a variety of information about the vessels, their masters, origins, and destinations, etc.

The Scots Overseas: Emigrants and Adventurers Dobson, D., Willow Bend Books, 2000 VREF 929.341 DOBS
Arranged by areas of Scotland, this book lists alphabetically people born in Scotland who settled elsewhere.

Scottish and Scots-Irish in America

Scottish & Scotch-Irish Contributions to Early American Life & Culture Lehmann, W. C., Kennikat Press, 1978 VREF 305.8916 L
Using his training as a sociologist, the author studies medicine, education, philosophy, law, and other spheres in which Scots made an important contribution in America.

Born Fighting Webb, J., Broadway Books, 2004 VREF 305.821 W
This book chronicles the epic journey of the Scots-Irish in America and the profound role they played in shaping the social, political, and cultural landscape of the country.

Destiny of the Scotch-Irish 1720-1853 Porter III, H. L., 1985 VREF 929.341 PORT
This discursive history is centered on the Associate Presbyterian settlements in America.

The Scotch-Irish in America’s History Montgomery, E., Ulster-Scot Historical Foundation, 1965 VREF 305.821 M
This booklet provides a brief introduction to the Scotch-Irish settlement in America.

Scottish-American Court Records 1733-1783 Dobson, D., Genealogical Publishing Co., Inc., 1991 VREF 929.3411 DOBS
From a variety of documentary sources in the Scottish Records Office in Edinburgh, this book identifies residents of North America who were engaged in litigation in Scotland.

Scottish-American Heirs 1683-1883 Dobson, D., Genealogical Publishing Co., Inc., 1990 VREF 929.3411 DOBS
Obtained from the Services of Heirs records in Scotland, this book gives the names of American heirs to properties of Scottish decedents.

Directory of Scots Banished to the American Plantations 1650-1775 Dobson, D., Genealogical Publishing Co., Inc., 1983 VREF 929.3411 DOBS
Based on records of the Scottish Privy Council and other European records, the author has identified by name and provides interesting details about criminals and political prisoners banished to the Americas. Such banishments occurred particularly in the aftermath of the English Civil War, the Covenanter Risings, and the Jacobite Rebellions.

Scottish-American Wills 1650-1900 Dobson, D., Genealogical Publishing Co., Inc., 1991 VREF 929.3411 DOBS
This book provides an index to the testaments and inventories of Scots-Americans whose wills were confirmed in Scotland prior to 1900.

Scottish Soldiers in Colonial America Dobson, D., Clearfield, 1997 VREF 929.3411 D
The French and Indian War led to significant recruitment of Scots for service in the colonies. This book identifies to identify individual soldiers from that time and later from the manuscript and printed material.

Scottish-American Gravestones 1700-1900 Dobson, D., Clearfield, 1998 Dobson, D., Clearfield, 1998 VREF 929.3411 DOBS
Obtained from gravestone inscriptions, this book provides valuable information about Scots who died overseas.

Scottish Quakers and Early America 1650-1700 Dobson, D., Clearfield, 1998 VREF 929.3411 D
Based on research in Scotland and America, this book identifies members of the Society of Friends in Scotland before 1700 and the Scots origins of many Quakers who settled in East New Jersey in the 1680s.

Scots in Georgia and the Deep South, 1735-1845 Dobson, D., Genealogical Publishing Co., Inc., 2000 VREF 929.3758 DOBS
This volume arranged alphabetically and culled from a wide variety of sources, names, and describes Scots known to have settled in the South. The author notes that during most of this period, direct emigration to the Deep South was small, with most arriving in a two-stage process.

Scots on the Chesapeake 1607-1830 Dobson, D., Genealogical Publishing Co., Inc., 1992 VREF 929.341 DOBS
Scottish settlement in the Chesapeake region was the result primarily of the important tobacco trade. From primary sources in Scotland, England, Canada, and the U.S., the author provides information about people positively identified as Scots or likely to have been born in Scotland.

Scotch-Irish Migration to South Carolina, 1772 Stephenson, J., 1971 VREF 929.3757 STEP
In addition to telling about the origin abroad of much of the population at the time of the American Revolution, this book outlines a procedure where those whose ancestors settled in South Carolina might identify the general area from which their forefathers came.

The Scotch-Irish of Colonial Pennsylvania Dunaway, W. F., Genealogical Publishing Co., Inc., 1985 VREF 929.241 D
The author observes that the notable contribution made by the Scotch-Irish to the development of Pennsylvania has not received the attention it merits and seeks to remedy that.

The Scots-Irish in the Hills of Tennessee Kennedy, B., Causeway Press, 1995 VREF 305.821 K
The author describes the conditions that brought about five great waves of the Scots-Irish emigration to America in the 18th Century and their settlement at the edge of the frontier including what became Tennessee.

The Scots-Irish in the Shenandoah Valley Kennedy, B., Causeway Press, 1996 VREF 929.341 KENN
The author points out that there was no place in America where the Scots-Irish settlers were more numerous and influential than the Valley.

From Ulster to Carolina Blethen, T. and Wood, C., Jr., Western Carolina U., 1983 VREF 929.3756 BLET
This booklet subtitled The Migration of the Scotch-Irish to Southwestern North Carolina describes the European background and subsequent movements of those who moved progressively from Pennsylvania to the Valley of Virginia and Carolina Piedmont to final settlement in Southwestern North Carolina.

American Data from the Aberdeen Journal 1748-1783 Dobson, D., Clearfield, 2004 VREF 929.341 DOBS
The material in the pages of this Scottish newspaper includes references to emigration, criminal banishment, shipping links to facilitate emigration, indentured servant advertisements, Scots regiments fighting in America, etc.

Ulster Settlers in America Cromie, H., Irish Mission Publications, 1984 VREF 305.821 C
This booklet, written from a religious perspective, shows the contribution of the Ulster Presbyterians.

Ulster Sails West Marshall, W. F., Genealogical Publishing Co., 1977 VREF 305.821 M
This volume gives the story of the great emigration from Ulster to North America in the 18th century, and the part Ulstermen played in building the US.

God’s Frontiersmen Fitzpatrick, R., Weidenfeld and Nicholson, 1989 VREF 305.821 M
This well-illustrated volume tells the story of the Scots-Irish in America and also includes substantial material on Ulster and lands other than America settled by Ulstermen.

An Historical Account of the Settlements of Scotch Highlanders in America Prior to the Peace of 1783 MacLean, J. P., Genealogical Publishing Co., 1978 VREF 305.821 M
This reprint of a work first published in 1900 is somewhat dated in style but contains much useful information including biographical sketches.

The Scotch-Irish, A Social History Leyburn, J. G., U. of North Carolina Press, 1962 VREF 305.821 L
This book covers life in Scotland when the character and culture were shaped, the removal to Ireland, and the migrations to America, particularly the backcountry of Pennsylvania, Virginia, the Carolinas, and Georgia and later as pioneers to the west.

The Scotch-Irish in America Ford, H. J., Arno Press, 1969 VREF 305.821 F
This is a reprint of a 1915 work about the Scotch-Irish contribution to America.

Chronicles of the Scotch-Irish Settlement in Virginia: volume 1 Chalkley, L., Genealogical Publishing Co., Inc., 1980 VRARE 929.3755 AUGU
Augusta County, which contained a strong body of Scotch-Irish immigrants, was formed in 1745, with a county court organized that year. This volume consists of notes and abstracts from the court records from then to 1800. An index facilitates the look-up of names of interest to researchers.

The Highland Scots of North Carolina 1732-1776 Meyer, D., U of North Carolina Press, 1961 VREF 305.821 M
This book examines the roots of the Scottish emigration to America, of the passage of the Highlanders, and the history and political allegiance of their settlement in North Carolina, the largest in America.

The Scotch-Irish and their First Settlements on the Tyger River and Other Neighboring Precincts in South Carolina Howe, G., A Press Inc., 1981 VREF 305.821 H
This is a reprint of a centennial discourse delivered in 1861.

Tam Blake & Co.: The Story of the Scots in America, Hewitson, Jim, Canongate Press, 1993 VREF 929.341
This book tells about the important part that American-Scots have played in the country's life since the first known Scot came to the New World in 1540.

Clans and Families

Clans and Families of Ireland and Scotland Cairney, C. T., McFarland & Company, Inc., 1989 VREF 929.341 C
This book includes material about the tribes and clans that inhabited Scotland in the earliest years. The author is a student of anthropology interested in the tribal character and racial-ethnic origins of the civilization.

The Clans, Septs, and Regiments of the Scottish Highlands Adam, F., Clearfield, 1970 VREF 929.241 ADAM
This revision of a work first published in 1908 includes extensive revisions, the objective being in part to foster in readers a sense of the continuation of the clan spirit.

The Bourlands in America Read, C., and M., Gateway Press, Inc., 1978 VREF 929.273 READ
This book, using conventional genealogical notation, traces this Scotch-Irish family from Colonial Times to the 1970s.

European Records

Burgess Rolls of Fife 1700-1800 and St. Andrews 1700-1775 Dobson, D., Willow Bend Books, 2000 VREF 929.341 DOBS
From the middle ages to the early 19th century, Scottish economic and social power was in the hands of an oligarchy comprised of merchants and craftsmen. This booklet attempts to identify who were the burgesses of Fife on the eve of industrialization.

Scots-Irish Links 1575-1725, 7 volumes Dobson, D., Genealogical Publishing Co., 2008 VREF 929.341 D
Based on primary source materials in Scotland, these volumes identify Scots who settled in Ireland particularly during the 17th century, many of whose descendants moved to America in the 18th century.

Searching for Scotch-Irish Roots in Scottish Records 1600-1750 Dobson, D., Clearfield, 2007 VREF 929.3411 DOBS
This book identifies source material in Scottish libraries and archives that could enable people of Scotch-Irish ancestry to locate their Scottish roots.

Scottish Highlanders on the Eve of the Great Migration 1725-1775 Dobson, D., Clearfield, 2007 VREF 929.341 DOBS
This volume, based on a variety of records excluding church records, identifies Scots living in a region from which many moved to colonial America.

Later Scots-Irish Links 1725 -1825 - 3 volumes Dobson, D., Clearfield, 2003, 5 and 6 VREF 929.3411 DOBS
These books identify Scots in Ireland, and Irish in contemporary Scotland, based on primary sources in Scotland.

Scots-Irish Links 1825-1900 Dobson, D., Clearfield, 2009 VREF 929.3411 DOBS
This volume continues the process of Dobson's above volume to the end of the century.

Scots-Dutch links in Europe and America, 1575-1825, Dobson, D., Clearfield, 2003 VREF 929.3411 DOBS
The author identifies Scots known to have lived in the Netherlands, most thought to have been recruited to fight against the Spanish Hapsburgs and later the French. Many were identified as having moved later to America.

Huguenot and Scots Links 1575-1775 Dobson, D., Clearfield, 2005 VREF 929.3411 DOBS
After Scotland became a Protestant country in 1560, and with Presbyterians, in the majority, it became a destination for French Calvinists seeking refuge. The main influx was in the last quarter of the 17th century. Such Huguenots were identified, some by distinctive French surname, from primary and secondary sources in Scotland.

The Jacobites of Angus, 1689-1746 : part one and part two, Dobson, D., Clearfield, 1997 VREF 929.3412 DOBS 1997
The County of Angus included many who fought with the Jacobite armies in 1715 and 1745, as well as many civilians who supported that cause, who were subsequently tried and imprisoned. Such persons were identified through research in Edinburgh and London and elsewhere including the U.S.

Irish and Scotch-Irish ancestral research : a guide to the genealogical records, methods and sources in Ireland, Falley, M. D., 1962 VREF 929.3415 FALL
This privately printed work provides detailed information about the collections of genealogical source materials in the many repositories of records in Ireland. Much of the material is relevant for Scots-Irish research.

Maritime Records

Scottish Whalers Dobson, D., Willow Bend Books, 2000 VREF 929.341 DOBS
From the mid-18th century, Scotland became increasingly prominent as a whaling nation. This book, based on primary sources, attempts to identify the Scottish whaling ships, the voyages, and the participants.

Scottish Maritime Records, 1600-1850 Dobson, D., Clearfield, 1996 VREF 929.3411 D
Subtitled A Guide for Family Historians, this volume identifies the resources available for the many descendants of an important seafaring nation.

Mariners of Aberdeen and Northern Scotland 1600-1800
Mariners of Angus 1600-1800
Mariners of Kirkcaldy, St. Andrews and Fife 1600-1800
Dobson, D., Willow Bend Books, 2000 VREF 929.3411
These volumes, based on research in Scotland, bring together the extant information about shipmasters and crewmen from the respective coastal regions.


Barbados and Scotland Links 1627-1877  Dobson, D., Clearfield, 2005 VREF 929.3411 DOBS
Based on sources in Barbados, Europe, and the US, this book provides information on Scots and their descendants who resided in Barbados, many of who later moved to South Carolina and elsewhere in the present US.

To the Ends of the Earth: Scotland's Global Diaspora 1750-2010 Devine, T.M., Smithsonian Books, 2011 VREF 941.1D 2011
This book tells the story of Scots who have sought their fortunes in every walk of life and in every imaginable climate. The Scottish contribution to the development of the modern world is documented, from the creation of great cities to the smallest prairie towns.


The Highlander: The Magazine of Scottish Genealogy VREF 929.3411 HIGH
Issues of the magazine dated 1995 are bound and a number of issues from other years are shelved unbound.

Searching for Scottish Ancestors Coppage, A. M., McDowell Publications, 1983 VREF 929.341 COPP
This volume consists of a variety of material from the pages of THE HIGHLANDER.

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