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Genealogical databases, websites, and bibliographies to aid users in the pursuit of their family history and origins. Last Updated: Mar 7, 2025 3:55 PM

Introduction and General Guides to German Genealogy

Discovering Your Germanic Ancestors VREF 929.343 ANDE
Anderson, S.C. Thode, E., F & W Publications Inc., 2000

This comprehensive guide includes strategies for tracing the histories of families from Austria, Germany, Switzerland, Alsace Lorraine, and other Germanic regions. Basic instruction is provided for gathering, verifying, recording, and organizing research findings. Also included are sample forms and charts, a brief history of Germany and Germanic emigration, techniques for reading Germanic records, guidance for using Family History Centers, and German word lists.

Germanic Genealogy VREF 929.343 GERM
Brandt, E.R., et al, Germanic Genealogical Society, 1997

Subtitled A Guide to Worldwide Sources and Migration Patterns, the contents include: country by country guides to the sources; addresses of archives and societies, worldwide Germanic migration patterns, Germanic history and geography, historic and modern maps, a list of gazetteers, German word list and language helps, naming patterns and place names. Readers are advised how to get started, find their ancestor's place of origin, use the church and civil records, use passenger departure and arrival lists, read German script, and use the resources of the Family History Library.

In Search of Your German Roots VREF 929.343 BAXT
Baxter, A., Genealogical Publishing Co. Inc., 2001

The book enables readers to trace their ancestors from home using internet sites, CD-Rom, and other resources. This revised edition reflects many changes in the location of archives that resulted from the unification of East and West Germany.

Researching in Germany VREF 929.343 MINE 2013
Minert, R.P., Riemer, S.J., and Sirrine, S.E., Lorelei Press, 2013

Subtitled “ A Handbook for your Visit to the Homeland of Your Ancestors” this revised and expanded volume has chapters dealing with trip preparation, getting around, conducting research and visiting family, and diversions in Germany. Appendices include useful vocabulary words, an aid to reading church records and form letters.

A Genealogical Handbook of German Research VREF 929.343 JENS
Jensen, L.O., 1980

The author's stated purpose is to set forth those things that beginners and advanced researchers must know to succeed in Germanic research. The book is profusely illustrated with examples from documents.

German Genealogical Research VREF 929.343 SCHW
Schweitzer, G. K., 1992

Chapters include: German Background; Germans to America; Bridging the Atlantic; Types of German Records; German Record Repositories; The German Language.

Finding Your German Ancestors: A Beginner’s Guide VREF 929.343 HANS
Hansen, K. M., Inc., 1999

This work is represented as being appropriate for researchers who have no previous experience with German records. Tools are provided to make the user comfortable working with foreign language records. Also, the book explains the locations of records after the shifting of national and regional boundaries, and how each record repository can be contacted.

Encyclopedia of German-American Genealogical Research VREF 929.343 SMIT
Smith, C.N. and Smith, A. P.-C., R.R. Bowker Co, 1976

This comprehensive reference work surveys the material available to the genealogist seeking to link American lineages with origins in German-speaking Europe. An extended section on Jews in Southwestern Germany is included.

The German Researcher VREF 929.343 DEAR
Dearden, F., Family Tree Press, 1983

Subtitled How to get the most out of an LDS Branch Genealogical Library, the book’s sections include: how to locate and verify your ancestor's town; how to translate German records; and, how to communicate.

The German Research Companion VREF 929.343 RIEM
Riemer, S.J., Lorelei Press, 2000

This comprehensive work covers German lands past and present; tools, contacts, and resources; emigration and immigration; U.S. and German resources; language and vocabulary; archives; life in earlier times; newspapers, libraries, and museums.

Researching and Finding Your German Heritage VREF 929.343 LIND
Lind, M., The Linden Tree, 1993

Includes: history and geography; emigration and settlement in the US; ethnic culture; records in Germany; major states and provinces; Jewish research; etc.

German Family Research Made Simple VREF 929.343 KONR
Konrad, J., Summit Publications, 1992

This introductory guide discusses the land and history of Germany, locating the immigrant ancestor and where they lived in Germany, and contacting genealogical sources.

Address Book for Germanic Genealogy VREF 929.343 THOD
Thode, E., Genealogical Publishing Co., 1997

This work identifies German-related archives, libraries, societies, religious organizations, and other institutions in Europe and the U.S.

The Family Tree German Genealogy Guide: How to Trace your Germanic Ancestry in Europe VREF 929.343 BEID
Beidler, J. M. Family Tree Books, 2014

This guide walks the user step-by-step to their ancestors, whether from modern day Germany or such areas as Austria, Switzerland, or enclaves in Eastern Europe.

Genealogical Guide to Tracing Ancestors in Germany VREF 929.343 PALE
Palen, M. K., Heritage Books, 1995

This handbook includes sections on Germany and its history, how to trace your ancestry, locating ancestral roots, and records and archives in Germany.

German Genealogy Research Online: Tips and Links VREF 929.343 MEIT
Meitzler, L. Family Roots Publishing, 2012

Information includes: gazeteers, German databases, website translations, addresses and contacts at German state archives, ancestral home pictures and websites.

German Family Research Made Simple VREF 929.343 KONR
Konrad J., Summit Publications, 1992

This booklet describes German immigration, history of the country, finding the immigrant ancestor and where they lived, and finding and contacting genealogical sources.

Researching and Finding Your German Heritage VREF 929.343 LIND
Lind, M., The Linden Tree, 1991

Of particular value in this booklet are maps and descriptions of the major states and provinces incorporated in Germany.

German Genealogy Research VREF 929.343 THOD
Thode, E., Genealogy at a Glance, 2011

This booklet is principally of worth in providing researchers with useful URLs.

The German Research Companion VREF 929.343 RIEM
Riemer, S. J., Minert, R. P., and Anderson, J. A. Lorelei Press, 2010
Topics include Germanic lands, contacts and resources, emigration and immigration, US and German resources, archives, and language.

Germanic Lands and Records

Ancestors in German Archives VREF 929.343 A
Wright III, Rives, Kirkham & Bunting, Genealogical Publishing Co. Inc, 2004

Records of births, marriages, and deaths, together with many other records dating from the Middle Ages, are preserved in about 2,000 archives in Germany. This book, based on researches performed by Brigham Young University students over several years, details the record collections in these archives.

Pomerania – Its People and its History VREF 943.178
Boehlke, L., 2002

The first half of this pamphlet covers the history of Pomerania while the second half covers Pomeranian culture and customs.

A Guide to German Parish Registers – Vol 1 and 2 VREF 929.343 CERN
Cerny, J., Genealogical Publishing Co., 1988

The 2 volumes, arranged by the German state, list the parish registers whose records of christenings, marriages, and deaths were microfilmed and are available for review at the Mormon Church Family History Libraries. Researchers should note that the books were published in 1988 and that many more registers have been microfilmed since then.

The Atlantic Bridge to Germany – Vol 1 to 5 and 7 to 9 VREF 929.343 HALL
Hall, C.M., Everton Publishers Inc/Monda Genealoga Ligo, various dates

These volumes, each devoted to separate Germanic areas in Europe, include highly detailed maps and details of jurisdictional influences and record availability.

Genealogical Guide – German Ancestors from E. Germany and Eastern Europe VREF 929.3431 GENE
Verlag Degener & Co., 1984

This guide provides information on how to look for genealogical sources for areas in Eastern Germany and areas not included in present-day Germany. It includes maps and lists societies specializing in those areas, gazetteers, directories, and archives.

The Mecklenburg Genealogical Handbook VREF 929.343 HALL
Hall, C.M., Everton Publishers Inc., 1977

This work includes detailed maps of the region and specific parish records available for various time periods.

German Census Records 1816-1916 VREF 929.343 MINE
Minert, R. P., Family Roots, 2016

This work refutes the idea that censuses were not taken in most German lands Censuses taken in the German Empire are described, and pointers are given on where to obtain them. 

The German Colonies in South Russia 1804 to 1904, 2 Volumes VREF 929.343 KELL
Keller, C., American Historical Society of Germans from Russia, 1905

These volumes celebrate the centennial of colonies established near Odessa pursuant to the Czar& decree of 1804.

German Immigration to America

Germans to America – Series I and II (Ongoing Series – 73 Volumes Published to 2006) VREF 929.343 GERM
Glazier, I. A., Scholarly Resources Inc., 1988

These volumes contain data extracted from ship passenger lists extending from 1840 through June 1897. An index at the end of each volume gives the names of the passengers in alphabetic order, making it relatively simple to trace immigrants even if there is no idea of the 19th century year of arrival.

German Immigration to America in the Nineteenth Century: A Genealogist's Guide VREF 929.343 WELL
Wellauer, M.A., Roots International, 1985

This volume offers overviews and insights that make the history of German emigration and immigration more comprehensible and vivid. It concentrates on the experiences of people who made the journey and records that were created as a result of their migration.

German Immigration to America: The First Wave VREF 929.343 GERM
Tolzmann, D.H., Heritage Books Inc., 1993

This book is a repackaging of two writings from the 1890s titled The German Exodus to England in 1709 and The German Emigration to America 1709-1740. The writings address the question of why German immigration suddenly became a massive population movement.

German Immigrants — Lists of Passengers Bound from Bremen to NY, 1847 – 1867 (3 Volumes) VREF 929.343 ZIMM
Zimmerman, G.J. and Wolfert, M., Genealogical Publishing Co., 1985 — 1988

The content represents a partial reconstruction from American sources of ship passengers from Bremen who reported Germany as their point of origin.

Across the Atlantic and Beyond VREF 929.373 HALL
Haller, C.R., Heritage Books, Inc., 1993

Dealing with the migration of German and Swiss Immigrants to America, the material includes changes in a German family and personal names, changes in city and village names, settlement of Pennsylvania, and driving religious forces behind German migration.

Eighteenth Century Register of Emigrants from Southwest Germany VREF 929.343 EIGH
Hacker, Prof. W., Closson Press, 1994

The book lists, in surname alphabetic order, emigrants to America and other countries from Baden, Wuerttemberg, Palatinate, and Saarland.

North Germany to North America — 19th Century Migration VREF 304.873 S
Stockman, R. L., PlattDeutsch Press, 2003

This work is an important compendium of information about German civilization in Europe and America, with emphasis on rural populations that settled in the Midwest, New York, and Texas.

Eighteenth Century Emigrants from German-Speaking Lands to North America VREF 929.343 BURG
Vol 1: The Northern Kraichgau and Vol 2: The Western Palatinate
Burgert, A.K., 1983 -1986

The volumes provide detailed information on German families that settled in Pennsylvania including those that later settled in Virginia and North Carolina.
Commissioned as a study to locate the European origins of as many Pennsylvania German families as possible, these writings bring together data from previously published lists about European origins; notations in Pennsylvania church records about villages of birth; information from such sources as family genealogies, private knowledge, tombstones, and wills; information from German sources including untranslated articles and data in European church records.

Kentucky's German Pioneers VREF 929.3769 KENT
Tolzmann, D.H., Heritage Books, Inc., 2001

A collection of articles translated from German that originally appeared in a 19th Century German-American journal. The work concentrates on the pre-1848 or pioneer period.

The Story of the Palatines VREF 929.343 PALA
Cobb, Sanford H., Heritage Books, Inc., 1988

A reprint of an 1897 work that describes the turmoil in Palatinate communities along the Rhine River that led to wide-scale emigration and the exodus to the American colonies in the early 1700s. Included is a very detailed history of settlement in New York, with briefer accounts of settlements around Berks County, Pennsylvania, and elsewhere.

Palatine Origins of Some Pennsylvania Pioneers VREF 929.343 BURG
Burgert, A. K., AKB Publications, 2000

Arranged alphabetically by surname, the book provides entries extracted principally from 18th Century records in Europe and America.

Rheinland Emigrants VREF 929.343 RHIN
Yoder, D., Genealogical publishing Co., Inc., 1985

This volume includes a number of highly detailed essays by Yoder and others. A name index is provided to facilitate look-ups.

Pennsylvania German Pioneers — 2 Vols. VREF 929.3748 STRA
Strassburger, R.B., Genealogical Publishing Co., Inc., 1975

An edited reprint of a 1934 listing of more than 38,000 persons who arrived at the port of Philadelphia between 1727 and 1808.

A Collection of Upwards of 30,000 Names of German, Swiss....Immigrants in Penn. from 1727 to 1776 VREF 929.3748 RUPP
Rupp, I. D., Genealogical Publishing Co., Inc., 1975

Reprint of a 19th-century pioneer work identifying from ship lists persons who arrived in America between 1727 and 1776. The book includes an alphabetized name index to facilitate research of particular surnames.

Genealogical Queries & Reports of Research VREF 929.343 KUBY
Kuby, A. H., Penn. Chapter — Palatines to America, 1983

The book is based on over 220 immigrant ancestor queries received from members of the Palatines to America organization. For each query, the author provides ideas as to exactly where the immigrant had come from.

Grossgartach, Wuerttemberg, to Pennsylvania: Some Early Colonial German Immigrants VREF 929.343 BURG
Burgert, A.K., AKB Publications, 1999

Part of an ongoing effort to locate and identify the European village of origin of colonial immigrants, the book includes detailed 17th and 18th Century records and other information from European and American sources.

Eighteenth Century Emigrants from Langenselbold in Hesse to America VREF 929.343 BURG
Burgert, A.K., AKB Publications, 1997

This study attempts to bring together the known information on families that emigrated from Langenselbold, supplemented by additional research.

Brethren from Gimbesheim in the Palatinate to……Pennsylvania
Eighteenth Century Emigrants from Pfungstadt, Hessen-Darmstadt to Pennsylvania
Emigrants from Eppingen to America in the 18th And 19th Centuries VREF 929.343 BURG
Burgert, A. K., AKB Publications, 1994, 1995 & 1987

These books provide detailed listings of emigrants identified in European and American records.

Master Index to the Emigrants Documented in the Published Works of Annette K. Burgert VREF 929.343 BURG
Burgert, A. K., AKB Publications, 2000

Fast finding aid for locating specific emigrants named in Burgert's books in the library's collection.

Westerwald to America — Some 18th Century German Immigrants VREF 929.343 BURG
Burgert, A.K. and Jonew, H.Z., Picton Press, 1989

As stated in the Introduction, “In the great exodus from Germany in 1709, the Westerwald [ in southern Germany to the northeast of Koblenz] and its neighboring Neuwied region were real seedbeds of emigration, perhaps second only to the Pfalz [Palatinate] as locales of origin for future American settlers.” As in the case of Burgert's other volumes, much detail was obtained from church books and civil records.

Emigrants from Baden and Wurttemberg in the Eighteenth Century — Vol 1 VREF 929.343 B
Burkett, B., Picton Press, 1996

The author exhaustively documented 351 families and individuals who left Germany for 18th Century America. An extended introduction gives a sense of the experiences of peasants moving from one continent to another.

Nineteenth Century Emigrants from Baden-Wurttemberg — Vol 1 VREF 929.343 B
Burkett, B., Picton Press, 1997

A companion to the above volume covering the 19th century.

The Baden Emigration Book VREF 929.343 SCHR
Schrader-Muggenthaler, C., Closson Press, 1992

The book includes listings of emigrants from Baden and Alsace to America in the 18th and 19th Centuries. Also, it includes a listing of villages whose records were microfilmed by the Mormon Church as of the 1992 publication date.

The Wuerttemberg Emigration Index (In 7 Volumes) VREF 929.343 WUER
Schenck, T., Froelke, R., and Bork, I., Ancestry Inc., 1986-1998

Filmed at Ludwigsburg, the volumes contain the names of about 60,000 people who made applications to leave Germany for the USA and elsewhere in the late 19th Century. Each entry includes name, date, and place of birth, residence at the time of application, application date, country of destination, and microfilm number.

Auswanderung – Emigration out of Kreis Bernkastel VREF 929.343 LIND
Lind, M.

Most of this work is devoted to the contents of specific emigrant records of those settling in America; coverage is also provided for those who left for other places.

Early Eighteenth Century Palatine Emigration VREF 929.343 KNIT
Knittle, W. A., Genealogical Publishing Co., 1976

The work concerns the large-scale Palatine migration in the early 18th Century from the Rhine Valley through England to America. Appendices list the names of about 12,000 of these emigrants.

Rhineland Emigrants VREF 929.343 RHIN
Yoder, D., Genealogical Publishing Co, 1985

The work is a compilation of 24 articles by Yoder and others relating to lists of German settlers in Colonial America.

German-American Genealogical Research VREF 929.343 SMIT
Smith, Clifford Neal, various publishers and publication dates

A series of monographs by the same author relating to highly specialized aspects of German immigration to America and elsewhere:

1: Brunswick Deserter-Immigrants of the American Revolution
2: Mercenaries from Ansbach and Bayreuth, Germany, Who Remained in America after the
3. Muster Rolls and Prisoner of War Lists in American Archival Collections Pertaining to German Mercenary Troops (separately bound volume)
5: Mercenaries from Hessen-Hanau
6: Emigrants from the Principality of Hessen-Hanau, Germany, 1741-1767
7: Nineteenth-Century Emigration of “ Old Lutherans” from Eastern Germany to Australia, Canada, and the U.S.
10: Nineteenth-Century Emigration from the Siegkreis, Nordrhein-Westfalen, Germany, Mainly to the U.S.
12: Emigrants from the former Amt Damme, Oldenburg, (now Niedersachsen), Germany
14: Emigrants from Fellbach, 1735-1930
15: Immigrants to America from the Former Recklinghausen District Around the Middle of the Nineteenth Century
16: Eighteenth-Century Emigrants from Kreis Simmern, Rheinland-Pfalz to Central Europe, Pfalzdorf, and North America
20. Early 19th Century German Settlers in Ohio, Kentucky and Other States
22: From Bremen to America in 1850: Fourteen Rare Emigrant Ship Lists

German and Swiss Settlers in America 1700-1800S VREF 929.343 IMMI CD-ROM
The Learning Company, Broderbund, 2000

Approximately 300,000 individuals are referenced among the passenger lists, servant contracts, naturalization records, historical essays, and biographical sketches.

German Immigrant Servant Contracts – Registered at the Port of Phila, 1817-1831 VREF 929.343 GRUB
Grubb, Farley, Genealogical Publishing Co., 1994

Arranged chronologically, this book consists of transcribed servant indentures, each typically one or two sentences in length.

Schlegel’s American Families of German Ancestry in the United States VREF 929.343 SCHL
Schlegel C. W., Genealogical Publishing Company, 2003

This work shows the origin of various German-American families to preserve a record of prominent descendants and to show through personal narratives the relation of such figures to the growth of the nation.

Nineteenth Century Germans to America VREF 929.343 SMITH
Smith, C.N., Clearfield, 2005

This consolidation of six pamphlets identifies emigrants from Baden-Wuerttemberg, Hamburg, Bremen, Nordrhein-Westfalen, Rheinland-Pfalz, and Schleswig-Holstein.

Place Name Indexes VREF 929.343 MINE
Minert, R. P., GRT Publications, 2000-2006

These individual volumes are each devoted to a specific German area, identifying place names using alphabetical and reverse alphabetical indexes. These areas are: Alsace-Lorraine; Baden; Bavaria; Brandenburg; Braunschweig, Oldenburg, and Thuringia; East Prussia; Hesse-Nassau; Hanover; Mecklenburg; Posen; Rhineland; Saxony; Schleswig-Holstein; Silesia; Westphalia; Wurttemberg.

The Palatine Families of New York, 2 volumes, VREF 929.343 JONE
Jones, H. Z., Jr., University City, 1985

These volumes are sub-titled A Study of the German Immigrants Who Arrived in Colonial New York in 1710. Based on 17th and 18th Century church records, they provide insights into those times and the flavor of life in the Palatine community.

More Palatine Families VREF 929.343 JONE
Jones, H. Z., Jr., Picton Press, 1991

This volume relates to immigrants to the Middle Colonies 1717 – 1776 and their European Origins; also, discoveries about German families who arrived in Colonial New York in 1710.

Even More Palatine Families, 3 volumes, VREF 929.343 JONE
Jones, H. Z., Jr., and Rohrbach, L. B., Picton Press, 2002

These volumes identify with biographic detail 18th Century immigrants to the American Colonies and their German, Swiss, and Austrian origins.


Reference Library of European America – Volume1 VREF 305.809 R
Gale Group, 2001

Pages 249- 261 of this encyclopedic work deal with German-Americans, including history, acculturation, language, social dynamics, religion, politics, contributions to America, media, organizations, and research facilities.

Deciphering German Records

Decipher Germanic Records VREF 929.343 BENT
Bentz, E. M., 1988

This book includes many examples of German script to help the researcher decipher German and Danish records.

German-English Genealogical Dictionary VREF 929.343 THOD
Thode, E., Genealogical Publishing Co., 1992

The introductory material covers script variations; genealogical symbols and terms; surnames and given names; occupations; month & days of the week; numbers; suffixes; and dialect pronunciation. The main text, in alphabetic order, defines German words and abbreviations. Entries for each letter of the alphabet are preceded by German print and script examples of that character.

Deciphering the Church Records of Germany VREF 929.343 BOEH
Boehl, B., 1983

The book includes a condensed review of German grammar, vocabulary, and examples from church records.

German Church Books - Beyond the Basics VREF 929.343 SMIT
Smith, K.L., Picton Press, 1989

Designed for researchers who are already comfortable reading church book German script, the book addresses general issues such as spellings, abbreviations, and names, and then consider baptismal, death, confirmation, and miscellaneous other records.

How to Read German Church Records Without Knowing Much German VREF 929.343 JOHN
Johnson, A.E., 1981

The booklet addresses birth, baptismal, confirmation, marriage, death, and burial records; provides guidance in reading German script, and contains a vocabulary including a listing of common occupations.

A Guide to Olde German Handwriting of the Mid-1800s VREF 929.343 MASH
Mashey, A.B., 1979

The book provides script examples of personal and given names, occupations, etc.

The Genealogist's Guide to Fraktur for Genealogists Researching German-American Families VREF 929.373 EARN
Earnest, C.O. and Hoch, B.R., Russell D. Earnest Assoc., 1990

An excellent, well-illustrated work providing guidance interpreting old German decorated manuscripts.

Deciphering Handwriting in German Documents VREF 929.343 MINE
Minert, R. P., GRT Publications, 2013

This work provides an in-depth examination of the Fraktur, Gothic, and Latin alphabets. Extensive Techniques are given for analyzing texts.

German Names

Pommersche Familiennamen VREF 929.343 BAHL
Bahlow, Dr. H., Verlag Degener & Co., 1982

Written in German, the volume provides citations for the early use of family names in Pommerania.

Dictionary of German Names VREF 929.4 B
Bahlow, H., U. of Wisconsin, 2002

This dictionary provides detailed information on the variant spellings, origins, and meanings of 15,000 German family names.

German-American Names VREF 929.4 J
Jones, G.F., Genealogical Publishing Co., 1990

An A to Z dictionary of German-American names including spellings, meanings, and variants of about 12,700 names.

Spelling Variations in German Names VREF 929.4 M
Minert, R.P., GRT Publications, 2000

The book helps the user to understand how variant spellings of German surnames and place names occur. The goal is to demonstrate that variant spellings are natural, logical, and predictable.

Palatines to America — The Ancestor Chart Project VREF 929.343 PALA
Volumes 1 to 10 of the series in which are listed names abstracted and indexed from ancestor charts submitted by organization members.

German Church Records and Congregations in America

Virginia Churches:

German Church Records of Rockingham County – Vol. 1 VREF 929.3755 ROHA
This volume includes records of Friedens, St. Michael's, and Ermentrau's Lutheran and Reformed Churches, from the 1780s to the late 18th century.

Lutheran Zion-Pine Church Record 1786 — 1827 VREF 929.3755 SHEN
Martin, I.M., Smith, G.M., and Wust, K., Shenandoah History Publishers, 1985

The two volumes bound together include the Lutheran part of the earliest church register of the Stony Creek settlement of Shenandoah County together with an informative introductory essay about the Lutherans of Stony Creek.

St. John's Church Register, German Reformed, and Lutheran, Augusta County VREF 929.3755 AUGU
Joyner, P.S., 1995

Church records from 1786 to 1872, with a name index to facilitate look-ups.

Pennsylvania Churches:

Trinity Lutheran Church of Reading, Berks County – 4 Vols. VREF 929.3748 TRIN
Schwalm, G.P., Closson Press, 1990-1992

Includes records of baptisms, marriages, and burials from the 1750s to 1812.

Host “Tulpehocken” Church at Marion Township, Berks County VREF 929.3748 SCHU
Schwalm, G.P., Closson Press, 1991

Includes 18th and 19th-century baptisms, confirmations, marriages, and tombstone records.

Church Record of the Christ Reformed Church, Bowers, Berks County VREF 929.3748 HINK
Schwalm, G.P., Closson Press, 1991

Includes church records from 1765 to 1832.

Schwarzwald Church Register, Exeter Township, Berks County VREF 929.3748 BOOS
Boos, Rev. J.W., Closson Press, 1997

Includes baptisms, marriages, and burials from 1781 to about 1810.

Early Lutheran Baptisms and Marriages in Southeastern Pennsylvania VREF 929.3748 STOE
Stoever, Rev J.C., Genealogical Publishing Co., Inc., 1982

Baptisms and marriages from 1730 to 1779, from the records of Rev. John Casper Stoever.

Churches in Other States:

Maryland German Church Records (Frederick County) - 5 Vols. VREF 929.3752 WEIS
Weiser, F.S., Historical Soc. Of Carroll County, 1986-1991

Includes baptisms, confirmations, and marriages from the mid 18th to early 19th centuries for five Frederick County congregations.


Immigrants from the German-Speaking Countries of Europe VREF 929.343 KREW
Krewson, M. B., Library of Congress, 1991

A selective bibliographic guide to sources relating to immigration to the United States from Austria, Germany, and Switzerland.

Biliography on the Colonial Germans of North America VREF 929.343 MEYN
Meynen, E., Genealogical Publishing Co., 1982

This bibliography covers the German settlements in Colonial North America, particularly, the Pennsylvania Germans.

German-Americana: A Bibliography 929.343 TOLZ
Tolzmann, D. H., Heritage Books, 1994

This selective bibliography lists over 5,300 sources covering a wide range of historical, literary, biographic, genealogical, and other subject areas.


The First one Hundred Years - An Index of Publications of the Pennsylvania German Society VREF 929.343 FIRS
Haag, E.C., The Pennsylvania German Society, 1998

This index volume provides in alphabetic order the titles, authors, and overall subject matter of the Society's publications from 1891 to 1990.

Palatine Immigrant VREF 929.343 PALA
Bound issues of the quarterly publication from Summer 1981 to September 2001 and several unbound issues of earlier date. An accompanying Decennial Index volume lists people who were named in issues from 1975 to 1985. Commencing in 2006, the Library is obtaining all new issues of the publication.

Der Kurier-Vols 1 to 34 VREF 929.343 MID
Mid-Atlantic Germanic Society, November 1982 to Ongoing

Bound and unbound issues of the newsletter of the Mid-Atlantic Germanic Society.

Clues VREF 929.3784 AMER
American Historical Society of Germans From Russia, 1974 to 2001

Bound copies of the annual issues of the Society each including a number of essays dealing with the German settlements of Russia.

Work Papers VREF 929.3784 AMER
American Historical Society of Germans From Russia, 1969 to 1977

Bound copies of the Society newsletter.

Journal of the American Historical Society of Germans from Russia VREF 929.3784 AMER
American Historical Society of Germans From Russia, 1978 to 2001

Bound (to 1998) and unbound (1999 to 2001) copies of the Society Journal, each issue including essays dealing with the German settlements of Russia.

The Report — a Journal of German-American History – Various Issues Between Report 29 And 42) VREF 975.206
The Society for the History of the Germans in Maryland, 1956 to 1993)

Nine issues of the Report each including essays on the Germans of Maryland.

Historic German Newspapers Online, VREF 929.343 THOD
Thode, E., Genealogical Publishing Company, 2014

This book lists German newspapers worldwide, showing their dates of publication, publishing location, subject, and (if applicable) their URL.

The German Correspondent, Baltimore, MD (2 volumes), VREF 929.343 RUPP
Ruppert, G.B., Heritage Books, 2008

These volumes include indexes to marriage and death notices and selected articles of genealogical interest that appeared in Der Deutsche Correspondent in the period 1879-1883.


An Atlas of German Migration and America VREF 929.343 ELDR
Eldridge, C., 2002

This oversize volume includes many interesting and unique hand drawn maps. The accompanying text discusses German history and the migration patterns of those who came to America.

Map Guide to German Parish Registers VREF 929.343 HANS
Hansen, K.M., Int’l Historical Resources, Inc., various years
The 57 volumes comprising the series enable the researcher to hone in on the specific church parishes in German speaking areas where family records can be found. Clear and highly detailed maps are provided making it easy to locate places named in documents and historical references.

German Maps Facts for Genealogy VREF 929.343 UNCA
Uncapher, W. K., and Herrick, L. M., Origins, 2002
This work includes over 100 maps, from detailed historical maps of kingdoms, duchies, and principalities as well as han-rendered maps showing religions, major rivers, etc. The book also includes population charts, timelines, migration figures, lists of topographic features, and historical regions.

Military Records

Mercenary Troops from Anhalt-Zerbst, Germany, Who Served with the British Forces During the American Revolution VREF 929.343 DEMA
DeMarce, V.E., Westland Publications, 1984

This work, which provides names, ages, places of origin, and other information for members of this regiment who arrived in Quebec after hostilities in Canada ended, was developed from the unit's muster rolls.

British and German Deserters, Discharges and Prisoners of War…Deserters and Disbanded Soldiers VREF 929.342 SMIT
Smith, C.N., Genealogical Printing Co., Inc, 2004

Identifies British and German military personnel who may have remained in Canada or the US after the American Revolution.

Guide to Hanover Military Records, 1514-1866, on Microfilm at the Family History Library, VREF 929.343 MCMI
McMillin, T., Lind Street Research, 2014

Hanover's military records might include date and place of birth, father's name, and widows, pension. This guide enables quick identification of the available regimental records.

Hessian Chaplains – Their Diaries and Duties VREF 929.3434 HESS
Burgoyne, B.E., Heritage Books Inc., 2003

Records of births, marriage, death, baptism, penance, and confirmations recorded by German chaplains who accompanied Hessian troops in America during the Revolution.


Genealogical Abstracts from Newspapers of the German Reformed Church 1830-1839 VREF 929.343 MANN
Manning, B., Heritage Books Inc., 1992

The newspaper extracts cover events in Pennsylvania and several other states with much detailed information, such as precise causes of death, decedent occupations and names of survivors, etc. Also, lists are provided of people who gave to collections, paid subscriptions, attended schools, and were elected to boards.

Scottish-German Links, 1550-1850 VREF 929.343 DOBS
Dobson, D., Clearfield Company, 2007

This small handbook lists alphabetically Scots in Germany who were found listed in various records in Scotland and Germany.

Pennsylvania German Roots across the Ocean VREF 929.343 PENN
Egge, M.F. ed., Genealogical Society of Penn., 2000

Essays on a broad range of German genealogic subjects.

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