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Genealogical databases, websites, and bibliographies to aid users in the pursuit of their family history and origins. Last Updated: Feb 2, 2025 3:56 PM

Continental European (excluding German and Jewish) Genealogy

Continental European genealogy and related materials in the Reference Collection of the Virginia Room of the Fairfax County Public Library system.

Austria and Hungary

Handy Guide to Austrian Genealogical Records VREF 929.3436 SENE
Senekovic, D., The Everton Publishers, Inc., 1979
The work includes historical background; maps of Austria-Hungary; societies, archives, and genealogical records in Austria; dioceses and Lutheran parishes, and specific records held by the parishes.

Handy Guide to Hungarian Genealogical Records VREF 929.3439 SUES
Suess, J. H., The Everton Publishers, Inc., 1980
The work includes material on Hungarian history, alphabet and grammar, names, word lists, pre-1919 and modern administrative boundaries, and maps; also, examples of Hungarian records and illustrative records from the Family History Library catalog.


Searching for Flemish (Belgian) Ancestors VREF 929.3493 GOET
Goethals, J. J., Clearfield Company, 2007
The book is the first English-language guidebook for tracing Flemish ancestors from Belgium. It includes an introduction to Flemish records and methodology; genealogical organizations; sample vital records with translations from Flemish, French, and Latin with a case study; court records, tax lists, and other records. The appendices include Flemish names and naming practices; records available in Flanders; a glossary of terms commonly found in genealogical documents; and, a bibliography of sources.


Czechoslovakia VREF 929.3437 SCHL
Schlyter, D. M., Genun Publishers, 1985

A well-illustrated work that addresses: history and geography; immigration; determining the place of origin; locating the ancestral home; corresponding with Europe; sources in Europe; foreign languages; given names; parish inventories.

Tracing Your Czech & Slovak Roots VREF 929.3437 WELL
Wellauer, M. A., 1980

Following a historical and geographical orientation, readers are guided in determining the place of origin and in locating ancestor towns. Also provided are pertinent organizations and libraries, documents and correspondence, and a bibliography.


Eighteenth Century Emigrants from the Northern Alsace to America VREF 929.344 BURG
Burgert, A. K., Picton Press, 1992

This is one of a series of volumes that attempt to locate and identify the village of origin of German-speaking settlers who came to America in the 18th century. The volume is well-indexed to facilitate the search for particular family names.

The Alsace Emigration Book – 2 Volumes VREF 929.344 SCHR
Schrader-Muggenthaler, C., Closson Press, 1989

These volumes, compiled from 18th and 19th-century sources, give the names of emigrants to America together with their birth years, birthplaces, and dates of emigration. Some records also show specific American destinations and occupations.

French Colonists and Exiles in the United States VREF 929.344 ROSE
Rosengarten, J. G., Clearfield, 1907 (Reprinted 2002)

This narrative history includes early French settlements, Louisiana colonies, Huguenots and French exiles, soldiers, settlements in the West and Canada, and land companies.

French Records VREF 929.344 FREN
Genealogical Library, 1986?

This booklet is intended to help users accurately extract data from French records. Extensively illustrated, it provides examples of christening and civil birth records, marriage, and other entries. Also included are handwriting examples, name identification, dates, occupation lists, and extraction techniques.

Les Combattants Francais De La Guerre Americaine VREF 929.344 FRAN
Genealogical Publishing Company, 1905 (reprinted 1969)

Compiled from records in the French national archives, this volume, in French, names the French soldiers and sailors who served during the American Revolution.


Finding Italian Roots VREF 929.345 COLL
Colletta, J. P., Genealogical Publishing Co., Inc., 2003

This volume by a popular genealogical lecturer provides information about accessing and interpreting records and the universe of materials available to the researcher. Chapters include starting at home; published resources; key records in the U.S.; civil and religious records of Italy; library resources in Italy; and practical suggestions. An extended bibliography is included.

Italian Genealogical Records VREF 929.345 COLE
Cole, T. R., Ancestry Inc., 1995

The author discusses the history and development of Italian record-keeping and describes the civil, ecclesiastical, and other records themselves that can be found in repositories throughout Italy. Reproductions of typical records are included with complete translations and explanations of each. The author discusses the unique aspects of Italian research, and how to obtain information, including sample letters for obtaining records through correspondence.

Italian-American Family History VREF 929.345 CARM
Carmack, S. D., Genealogical Publishing Co., Inc., 1997

The focus of the book is on Italian-American culture, showing how to document Italian heritage while placing each generation in its cultural milieu and telling a factual and interesting story about the family. In addition to chapters devoted to the search for information, the author addresses the development of a meaningful family narrative history in the following chapters: writing mechanics and style choices; blending social and family history research to write a narrative; publishing and distributing your Italian-American family history. As an illustration of the kind of narrative history she advocates, the author includes in the appendix an extended example from her own work.

Italians to America – Ongoing series VREF 929.345 ITAL
Glazier, I. A.and Filby, P. W., Scholarly Resources Inc.

This ongoing series, amounting to 22 volumes as of 2008, provides a transcription of data in ship passenger lists for Italians who departed for America from Italian and other foreign ports beginning with 1880 when large-scale emigration effectively began. The volumes in 2008 extend as far as April 1903 and are eventually to include all years to 1915. The information includes: name; age, sex; occupation; towns/villages; destination. Included are an informative brief introductory essay and an index that makes it easy to search for particular passengers.

A Genealogist’s Guide to Discovering Your Italian Ancestors VREF 929.345 NELS
Nelson, L., Betterway Books, 1997

This practical, well-illustrated guide takes beginners step-by-step through the research process and includes advanced tips for more experienced researchers. The book includes information on Italian naming traditions, how to read old foreign handwriting, tips on the use of English-Italian dictionaries, and a letter-writing guide to using in requesting data from Italy.

Point/Pointers VREF 929.345 POIN
Militello, T. E., editor

Issues of the quarterly Italian genealogy magazine POINTers, beginning with Spring 1993; and, annual directories of The American Network of Italian Genealogy titled POINT, listing organization members and their surnames and regions of interest. Both ongoing series.


Dutch Genealogical Research VREF 929.3492
Franklin, C. M., Ye Olde Genealogie Shoppe, 1982

This work covers the historical background of the country, the spread of the Dutch to America, Dutch church and government records in America, research in The Netherlands, personal and family names, heraldry. Also included is a glossary of Dutch words commonly encountered in documents, societies and libraries, periodicals, a bibliography, and a listing of Dutch towns and their provinces.

Names, Names, and More Names—Locating Your Dutch Ancestors in Colonial America VREF 929.3492 K
Kelly, A. C. M., Ancestry, 1999

As a result of 30 years of research on the Dutch patronymic naming system, this book provides a comprehensive treatment of Dutch surnames, their variations, and origins. The book includes informative tables on surnames, given names, and father and mother pairs; also, a discussion on the evolution of names and naming.

Dutch Emigrants to the United States, South Africa, South America, and Southeast Asia, 1835-1880 VREF 929.3492
Swierenga, R. P., Scholarly Resources Inc., 1983

This book is a coded computer listing of all emigrants from the Netherlands arranged alphabetically by family name, as contained in the official Dutch records and other documents. For each of the 21,800 entries, the listings show the full name, sex, age, occupation, religion, economic status, tax assessment class, number of women and children and servants in the household, the reason for emigrating, destination, year of departure, and province and municipality of origin.


Polish Roots VREF 929.3438 CHOR
Chorzempa, R. A., Genealogical Publishing Co., 1993

Written by a national director of the Polish Genealogical Society of America, the book challenges the myth that successful Polish research is beyond the powers of ordinary people. Using her experience in the U.S. and Poland, the writer steers the researcher around the obstacles of language and geography. One chapter provides wording that can be used in corresponding with organizations in Poland.

Polish Parish Records of the Roman Catholic Church VREF 929.3438 ORTE
Ortell, G. A., Genun Publishers, 1984

The book is designed to help the novice researcher comprehend the information found in the primary Polish records. The author explains the terminology from which a historical portrait can be woven into the researchers’ family story. One principal objective is to help readers readily understand records that are available through the Mormon Family History Library.

Polish Surnames: Origins and Meanings VREF 929.4 H
Hoffman, W. F., Polish Genealogical Soc. Of America, 1998

This highly detailed work presents a wealth of information about the formation and meanings of Polish names.

Poland – Prussia VREF 929.3438 SCHL
Schlyter, D. M., Genun Publishers, 1982

This brief pamphlet is sub-titled How to locate vital records of former Prussian areas of Poland in the Genealogical Library. A step-by-step approach is laid out to help researchers find records at the LDS Family History Library.


Romanians in the United States and Canada VREF 929.349 WERT
Wertsman, V. F., HeritageQuest, 2002

This useful volume provides tips and strategies, bibliographies, detailed lists of contacts, and other resources for those performing research in the U.S., Canada, or Romania.


Sources for Genealogical Research in the Soviet Union VREF 929.347 MEHR
Mehr, K. B. and Schlyter, D. M., Genun Publishers, 1983

This pamphlet discusses the various records of genealogical value in the (now former) Soviet Union and the factors that influenced their creation and disposition.

Separate chapters deal with: church and civil registers, censuses, serf, and revision lists, military service records, deeds, confessional lists, and lineage and notary books.

Note: See the separate bibliography of Jewish Genealogy books for the following titles: Migration from the Russian Empire and The Russian Consular Records Index and Catalog. Due to the preponderance of Jews named in the records, these volumes are recorded there.


Scandinavian Immigrants in New York 1630-1674 VREF 929.348 EVJE
Evjen, J. O., Genealogical Publishing Co., Inc., 1972

This volume is a collection of biographic articles on Norwegian, Danish, and Swedish immigrants who settled in New Netherland or the present state of New York. Sources used include passenger lists, church records, records of where immigrants came from, etc. Appendix IV of the volume separately covers the German immigrants of New York.

Finding Your Scandinavian Ancestors VREF 929.348 CHRI
Christensen, P., Heritage Productions, 1997

This booklet includes separate sections on Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway, and Sweden. Guidance is provided for research at a Family History Library.

Feast Day Calendar for Denmark, Norway, Sweden, Finland, and Protestant Germany VREF 929.348 BUKK
Bukke, I. M. and Thomsen, F. A., Thomsen's Genealogical Center, 1980

The booklet consists of tables showing the dates within specific years when individual feast days were celebrated.

Scandinavian Records VREF 929.348 SCAN
Genealogical Library, 1986

This publication, designed to guide those who extract data from Scandinavian records, includes chapters on old Swedish, Danish, and Norwegian records; the Gothic alphabet; word recognition; christening and marriage records; dates. To provide training in deciphering christening and marriage records, one chapter contains 119 facsimile entries with interpretations.

Scandinavian Genealogical Research VREF 929.348 THOM
Thomsen, F. A., Thomsen's Genealogical Center, 1993

The respective 3 parts of the publication cover: Danish-Norwegian language guide and dictionary; old handwriting and names of Denmark and Norway; Danish-Norwegian genealogical research sources.

Genealogical Maps & Guide to Norwegian Parish Registers VREF 929.3481 THOM
Thomsen, F. A., Thomsen's Genealogical Center, 1988

This first half of the guidebook lists the parishes of Norway with their map references, names, clerical districts, time periods that parish registers are available at the Family History Library, and names of counties. The second half consists of maps showing the general location of each parish within its proper deanery, county, and diocese as of 1979.

Genealogical Guidebook & Atlas of Norway VREF 929.348 SMIT
Smith, F., and Thomsen, F. A., Everton Publishers, Inc.

This book gives a brief description of church and probate records and census returns of Norway. Also provided are topographical maps with an index to over 4,500 places, a list of parishes and the year each parish register began, a list of common terms found in Norwegian records, a calendar of most frequently used feast days, and an alphabet of the Gothic script to help decipher old handwriting.

Norwegian Research Guide VREF 929.3481 HERR
Herrick, L. M., and Uncapher, W. K., Origins, 2000

This book includes sections on numerous topics including timelines; county names and maps; emigration to the U.S. and Norwegian-American settlements, sources in Norway and the U.S.; translations of register headings; local history books; naming practices; useful addresses.

Tracing Your Norwegian Roots VREF 929.3481 WELL
Wellauer, M. A., 1979

Thie contents of this booklet include guides to research in Norway; American sources; given names and surnames; newspapers; Gothic alphabet; writing overseas; hiring a researcher.

Your Swedish Roots VREF 929.3485 CLEM
Clemensson, P. & Andersson, K.,

Subtitled A Step by Step Handbook, this lavishly illustrated book provides background information and walks the researcher through the steps necessary for success. Special emphasis is placed on translating and interpreting individual documents to help those who lack a background in the Swedish language and in interpreting script.

Cradled in Sweden VREF929.3485 JOHA
Johansson, C-E., Everton Publishers, Inc., 1972

Subtitled A Practical Help to Genealogical Research in Swedish Records, this volume is designed mainly for those who search the Swedish records of the Family history Library but do not have mastery of the language.

Tracing Your Swedish Ancestry VREF 929.3485 OLSS
Olsson, N. W., Swedish Institute, 1987

This brochure attempts to provide a traveler to Sweden with basic guidelines to plan a journey to explore family history. The first half addresses the research that should first be performed in America while the second half addresses research in Sweden.

Genealogical Guidebook & Atlas of Sweden VREF 929.3485 THOM
Thomsen, F. A., Thomsen’s Genealogical Center, 1998

This book points out that research on Swedish pedigrees can be conducted with greater ease in America, utilizing the microfilms of the Family History Library, than in Sweden where records are widely dispersed. Included is a description of parish registers and clerical surveys, with a listing showing where each parish was situated and the years for which records are available at the Family History Library. Also included are terms commonly found in the records and an alphabet of Gothic script.

Swedish Genealogical Dictionary VREF 929.3485 PLAD
Pladsen, P. J. et al, Pladsen Sveria Press, 2000

This book was created to assist genealogists who are researching records of the 17-h through 19th centuries. The dictionary recognizes that records are written in “old” Swedish, with many words not found in modern dictionaries. The four sections of the book include a main list of words with their abbreviations and definitions; abbreviations in alphabetical order; general research aids including maps and lists of emigration indexes; and, handwriting samples.

The Danish Genealogical Helper VREF 929.3489 POUL
Poulsen, E. M., and Kowallis, G. P., The Everton Publishers, 1969

A bound issue of a quarterly publication, the chapters provide information on such subjects as parish, census, and probate records; also included are maps, word lists, and history.

Genealogical Guidebook & Atlas of Denmark VREF 929.3489 SMIT
Smith, F. and Thomsen, F. A., Stevenson's Genealogical Center, 1979

This book gives a brief description of the four major information sources; church records, census returns, military levy roles, and probate records. Also included are ecclesiastical and topographical maps, a list of parishes showing district and county, a list of common terms found in records, feast days, and an alphabet of Gothic script.

The Beginner's Guide to Finnish Genealogical Research VREF 929.3489 BEGI
Choquette, M. et al, Thomsen's Genealogical Center

This booklet discusses church and emigration records, Finnish and Swedish given names, patronymics, counties, and parishes, maps, Finnish and Swedish genealogical terms, archives and libraries, the Gothic alphabet, relationship chart, basic references.

Handbook for Doing Finnish American Family History VREF 929.3489 ROSS
Ross, C. Doby, V. M., Minnesota Finnish American Historical Society, 1980

This well-illustrated handbook gives particular attention to the Finns in Minnesota and provides more general help on interviewing, researching, and writing the family history.

Spain and The Hispanic World

A Beginner’s Guide to Hispanic Genealogy VREF 929.346 FLOR
Flores, N. and Ludwig, P., Western Book/Journal Press, 1993

This brief guide is intended to provide the beginner with a faster, time-saving search. Information is compiled from Spanish to English for those who do not speak or read Spanish. Chapters include a guide to the LDS Family History Centers; archives and libraries; Spanish phrases and abbreviations; a glossary of Spanish terms found in records; maps of Mexico and Spain.

Tracing Your Hispanic Heritage VREF 929.346 RYSK
Ryskamp, G. R., Hispanic Family History Research, 1984

This book is designed for use by a variety of researchers, including genealogists who may or may not be fluent in Spanish; advanced researchers interested in particular record types; and local and family historians. Documents and examples are from throughout Latin America, the southwestern U. S., the Caribbean, and Spain. Those from Spain predominate because of the author’s greater familiarity with that country and the fact that the records of that country are universally representative due to its standing as the mother country for Hispanic people.

Finding Your Hispanic Roots VREF 929.346 RYSK
Ryskamp, G. R., Genealogical Publishing Co., Inc., 1997

This book, reportedly the most extensive manual available on the subject, provides detailed information on the records, sources, and reference works used in research. Starting with an examination of basic research principles and techniques, with examples from research experience, it goes on to discuss such areas as language and handwriting, Hispanic surnames, methods of tracing immigrants in U. S. records, and how to conduct research at the LDS Family History Centers. The work proceeds with an examination of the types of records found in all Hispanic countries, indicating where particular record types are found. Many documents are transcribed and translated, helping the reader to learn to read and work with old records.

Census Records for Latin America and the United States VREF 929.346 PLAT
Platt, L. D., Genealogical Publishing Co., Inc., 1998

The result of exhaustive research in Hispanic archives, this volume contains a listing of about 4,000 separate censuses, each listed by country and by locality, province, year, and reference locator. While the majority of census listings are for Mexico, all areas in the Americas are covered including areas of the U. S. that once belonged to Mexico.


Handy Guide to Swiss Genealogical Records VREF 929.3494
Suess, J. H., The Everton Publishers, 1978

This handbook covers Swiss history, research in Switzerland, parish and civil records, census records, surnames and given names, German, French, and Italian word lists, and other topics.

Lists of Swiss Emigrants in the 18th Century to the American Colonies VREF 929.3494
Faust, A. B., and Brumbaugh, G. M., Genealogical Publishing Co., 1976

This work provides translations of manuscripts in the Zurich, Bern, and Basel archives relating to specific Swiss citizens known to have emigrated or contemplating emigration to the American colonies. An index is provided for each of the two parts of the volume for ease in researching specific surnames.


Finding Your Ukrainian Ancestors VREF 929.3477 G
Geary, M. A., Heritage Productions, 1999

This booklet includes material on the history and geography of the Ukraine and how to undertake a records search. Names and addresses are given for genealogy societies, and archives in North America and elsewhere. Help is provided for writing to Ukraine and traveling there.


In Search of Your European Roots VREF 929.34 BAXT
Baxter, A., Genealogical Publishing, 2001

This volume is designed to guide the reader through the complexities of research in Europe, whether done in person, by correspondence, or online. The researcher is acquainted with the various types of records available in each country, where they are found, and how they are used. Detailed descriptions are given of the location of each country’s archives, the location of church records and census returns, the system of civil registration of births, marriages, and deaths.

How to Trace Your Ancestors to Europe VREF 929.34 Law
Law, H. T., Cottonwood Books, 1987

Part I of this book consists of accounts written by individual contributors about how they succeeded in locating records from 20 countries and areas of Europe. In Part II, one chapter provides information on U. S. sources that may tell the town of the immigrant ancestor; other chapters are each devoted to tracing ancestors to the British Isles, Eastern Europe, Scandinavia, and Western Europe.

Reconstructed Passenger Lists for 1851 Via Hamburg: Emigrants from Germany, Austria, Bohemia, Hungary, Poland, Russia, Scandinavia and Switzerland to Australia, Brazil, Canada, Chile, and the United States VREF 929.34 SMIT
Smith, C. N., Westland Publications, 1986
Information is provided from passenger lists showing birthplaces and destinations of passengers.

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