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Light Pollution Monitoring Kit

Light Pollution Monitoring Kits, also known as Dark Skies kits, are part of the citizen science initiative, allowing people from all walks of life to contribute data that can be used in the analysis of a scientific problem. This particular kit allows borrowers to measure light pollution. Light pollution not only affects our view of the stars, but can also waste energy and money, cause sleep disorders in people, and disrupt sleeping and breeding habits of animals.

Circulation Policy

About this item:

  • Replacement cost: $151.00 total
    • Meter: $103.00
    • Meter case: $9.00
    • Flashlight: $10.00
    • Planisphere: $12.00 each
    • Backpack: $18.00
    • Notepad and pen: $3.50

Before You Begin:

  • If you want credit for data contributions, you will need to have (or create) a free account.
  • Please make sure the sun has set at least one hour before taking measurements.
  • Go to to see which constellations should be visible in the sky today.
  • Data can be gathered on paper for later entry or directly entered at using a phone or tablet.
  • Consider how long you will be observing. You may want to bring a blanket or comfortable chair along.

How To Use:

  • Bring the kit to the area you want to observe, ideally an hour after sunset
  • Allow your eye to become adjusted to the dark for ~10minutes before making your first observation.
  • Use the planisphere to locate a visible constellation
  • Record the constellation observed, date, time, and location. Make sure to take note of location details and sky conditions.
  • Power on the Sky Quality Meter and record the light magnitude number.
  • Submit your observations to when you are able.

Product Guides and More information:

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