The I Love Virginia State Parks nature backpacks, or less formally just nature backpacks, were initially provided in partnership with the Institute of Museum and Library Services, the Library of Virginia, Virginia State Parks, and the Science Museum of Virginia. They include tools of naturalists and educational materials and a free pass to any of the Virginia State Parks.
Circulation Policy
- Nature backpacks may be borrowed for 2 weeks. They are renewable, if no one is waiting.
- Backpacks may be placed on hold for pickup at any branch.
- Fines accrue for late returns on this item.
- We request this item be returned to a staff member inside the library instead of the book drop.
- Please clean any nature off the backpack and its parts before returning.
Place a Nature Backpack on Hold
About this item:
- Replacement cost: $166.00 total ($100 if bag and all contents lost, but Pass returned)
- State Park Pass $66.00
- Backpack $10.00
- Skills card (set of 6) $22.00
- Tarp and case $15.00
- Binoculars and case $15.00
- Paracord $14.00
- Port-a-bug field observation container $10.00
- All other contents are less than $10.00 per unit

Before you begin:
- Know before you go. Some state parks have special requirements or restrictions. Plan ahead and check the website of the park you intend to visit before leaving.
- Look at the various pieces within the kit and decide how you want to use them during your outdoor adventures.
How to use:
- Borrow nature backpack from library
- Parking Pass for Free Parking/entrance to all Virginia State Parks - visiting state parks is a great way to explore the natural world. Take nothing but photographs, leave nothing but footprints.
- Pocket Guides: Weather, Edible wild plants, Medicinal and other useful plants - help identify weather patterns and helpful plants.
- Learn and live outdoor skill cards set - try your hand at life-saving skills, such as shelter building, way-finding, and first-aid, using these reference cards as a guide.
- Map compass - use a map compass to help you navigate. Go old-school if your cell phone is not working!
- Paracord - paracord is used to tie branches together to make a shelter, mark a trail, replace a broken shoelace and much more.
- Leave no trace cards (standard, kids, and frontcountry) - guidelines to help you learn how to minimize your impact on the environment while enjoying our natural resources.
- Port-a-bug field observation container - observe insects and bugs inside this netted cage for a short period of time, then release your critters.
- Dip net - use the net in ponds and streams to discover insects, invertebrates, and debris.
- Binoculars - find a comfortable place to sit or stand where you have a long view down a trail or across a body of water; make notes about what you see.
- Star map - using the star map, see if you can find different stars and constellations.
Tell me more:
- The library does not endorse any particular vendor; if you are interested in the kit contents, sources and models for this kit are
Guides and information: